Free Code Camp Projects on Scientific Computing with Python
Description: Developed a Python program to format arithmetic problems vertically, mimicking the layout used by students to solve math problems.
Skills: String manipulation, conditional logic, optional argument handling.
Description: Built a Python function that adds a duration to a start time in a 12-hour format, optionally returning the day of the week and handling multi-day outputs.
Skills: Date and time calculations, string manipulation, control flow.
Description: Created a budget management app that tracks deposits and withdrawals across different categories, includes fund transfer between categories, and displays category balances.
Skills: Object-oriented programming, class methods, data structures (lists, dictionaries).
Description: Developed a Python program with a Rectangle class and a Square subclass to calculate area, perimeter, and the number of times one shape can fit inside another.
Skills: Object-oriented programming, inheritance, geometric calculations.
Description: Simulated probability experiments using a Hat class to determine the likelihood of drawing specific combinations of colored balls from a hat.
Skills: Simulation, random sampling, probability theory, object-oriented programming.