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Avalanche Tooling Go SDK

The official Avalanche Tooling Go SDK library.

*** Please note that this SDK is in experimental mode, major changes to the SDK are to be expected in between releases ***

Current version (v0.3.0) currently supports:

  • Create Subnet and Create Blockchain in a Subnet in Fuji / Mainnet.
  • Create Avalanche Node (Validator / API / Monitoring / Load Test Node) & install all required dependencies (AvalancheGo, gcc, Promtail, Grafana, etc).
  • Enable Avalanche nodes to validate Primary Network
  • Adding Validators to a Subnet
  • Ledger SDK

Currently, only stored keys are supported for transaction building and signing, ledger support is coming soon.

Future SDK releases will contain the following features (in order of priority):

  • Additional Nodes SDK features (Devnet)
  • Additional Subnet SDK features (Custom Subnets)
  • Teleporter SDK

Getting Started


Use go get to retrieve the SDK to add it to your project's Go module dependencies.

go get

To update the SDK use go get -u to retrieve the latest version of the SDK.

go get -u

Quick Examples

Subnet SDK Example

This example shows how to create a Subnet Genesis, deploy the Subnet into Fuji Network and create a blockchain in the Subnet.

This examples also shows how to create a key pair to pay for transactions, how to create a Wallet object that will be used to build and sign CreateSubnetTx and CreateChainTx and how to commit these transactions on chain.

More examples can be found at examples directory.

package main

import (

// Creates a Subnet Genesis, deploys the Subnet into Fuji Network using CreateSubnetTx
// and creates a blockchain in the Subnet using CreateChainTx
func DeploySubnet() {
	subnetParams := getDefaultSubnetEVMGenesis()
	// Create new Subnet EVM genesis
	newSubnet, _ := subnet.New(&subnetParams)

	network := avalanche.FujiNetwork()

	// Key that will be used for paying the transaction fees of CreateSubnetTx and CreateChainTx
	// NewKeychain will generate a new key pair in the provided path if no .pk file currently
	// exists in the provided path
	keychain, _ := keychain.NewKeychain(network, "KEY_PATH", nil)

	// In this example, we are using the fee-paying key generated above also as control key
	// and subnet auth key

	// Control keys are a list of keys that are permitted to make changes to a Subnet
	// such as creating a blockchain in the Subnet and adding validators to the Subnet
	controlKeys := keychain.Addresses().List()

	// Subnet auth keys are a subset of control keys that will be used to sign transactions that 
	// modify a Subnet (such as creating a blockchain in the Subnet and adding validators to the
	// Subnet)
	// Number of keys in subnetAuthKeys has to be equal to the threshold value provided during 
	// CreateSubnetTx.
	// All keys in subnetAuthKeys have to sign the transaction before the transaction
	subnetAuthKeys := keychain.Addresses().List()
	threshold := 1
	newSubnet.SetSubnetControlParams(controlKeys, uint32(threshold))

	wallet, _ := wallet.New(
			URI:              network.Endpoint,
			AVAXKeychain:     keychain.Keychain,
			EthKeychain:      secp256k1fx.NewKeychain(),
			PChainTxsToFetch: nil,

	// Build and Sign CreateSubnetTx with our fee paying key
	deploySubnetTx, _ := newSubnet.CreateSubnetTx(wallet)
	// Commit our CreateSubnetTx on chain
	subnetID, _ := newSubnet.Commit(*deploySubnetTx, wallet, true)
	fmt.Printf("subnetID %s \n", subnetID.String())

	// we need to wait to allow the transaction to reach other nodes in Fuji
	time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)

	// Build and Sign CreateChainTx with our fee paying key (which is also our subnet auth key)
	deployChainTx, _ := newSubnet.CreateBlockchainTx(wallet)
	// Commit our CreateChainTx on chain
	// Since we are using the fee paying key as control key too, we can commit the transaction
	// on chain immediately since the number of signatures has been reached
	blockchainID, _ := newSubnet.Commit(*deployChainTx, wallet, true)
	fmt.Printf("blockchainID %s \n", blockchainID.String())

// Add a validator to Subnet
func AddSubnetValidator() {
	// We are using existing Subnet that we have already deployed on Fuji
	subnetParams := subnet.SubnetParams{
		GenesisFilePath: "GENESIS_FILE_PATH",
		Name:            "SUBNET_NAME",

	newSubnet, err := subnet.New(&subnetParams)
	if err != nil {

	subnetID, err := ids.FromString("SUBNET_ID")
	if err != nil {

	// Genesis doesn't contain the deployed Subnet's SubnetID, we need to first set the Subnet ID

	// We are using existing host
	node := node.Node{
		// NodeID is Avalanche Node ID of the node
		NodeID: "NODE_ID",
		// IP address of the node
		// SSH configuration for the node
		SSHConfig: node.SSHConfig{
			User:           constants.RemoteHostUser,
		// Role is the role that we expect the host to be (Validator, API, AWMRelayer, Loadtest or
		// Monitor)
		Roles: []node.SupportedRole{node.Validator},

	// Here we are assuming that the node is currently validating the Primary Network, which is
	// a requirement before the node can start validating a Subnet.
	// To have a node validate the Primary Network, call node.ValidatePrimaryNetwork
	// Now we are calling the node to start tracking the Subnet
	subnetIDsToValidate := []string{newSubnet.SubnetID.String()}
	if err := node.SyncSubnets(subnetIDsToValidate); err != nil {

	// Node is now tracking the Subnet

	// Key that will be used for paying the transaction fees of Subnet AddValidator Tx
	// In our example, this Key is also the control Key to the Subnet, so we are going to use
	// this key to also sign the Subnet AddValidator tx
	network := avalanche.FujiNetwork()
	keychain, err := keychain.NewKeychain(network, "PRIVATE_KEY_FILEPATH", nil)
	if err != nil {

	wallet, err := wallet.New(
			URI:              network.Endpoint,
			AVAXKeychain:     keychain.Keychain,
			EthKeychain:      secp256k1fx.NewKeychain(),
			PChainTxsToFetch: set.Of(subnetID),
	if err != nil {

	nodeID, err := ids.NodeIDFromString(node.NodeID)
	if err != nil {

	validatorParams := validator.SubnetValidatorParams{
		NodeID: nodeID,
		// Validate Subnet for 48 hours
		Duration: 48 * time.Hour,
		Weight:   20,

	// We need to set Subnet Auth Keys for this transaction since Subnet AddValidator is
	// a Subnet-changing transaction
	// In this example, the example Subnet was created with only 1 key as control key with a threshold of 1
	// and the control key is the key contained in the keychain object, so we are going to use the
	// key contained in the keychain object as the Subnet Auth Key for Subnet AddValidator tx
	subnetAuthKeys := keychain.Addresses().List()

	addValidatorTx, err := newSubnet.AddValidator(wallet, validatorParams)
	if err != nil {

	// Since it has the required signatures, we will now commit the transaction on chain
	txID, err := newSubnet.Commit(*addValidatorTx, wallet, true)
	if err != nil {
	fmt.Printf("obtained tx id %s", txID.String())

func getDefaultSubnetEVMGenesis() subnet.SubnetParams {
	allocation := core.GenesisAlloc{}
	defaultAmount, _ := new(big.Int).SetString(vm.DefaultEvmAirdropAmount, 10)
	allocation[common.HexToAddress("INITIAL_ALLOCATION_ADDRESS")] = core.GenesisAccount{
		Balance: defaultAmount,
	return subnet.SubnetParams{
		SubnetEVM: &subnet.SubnetEVMParams{
			ChainID:     big.NewInt(123456),
			FeeConfig:   vm.StarterFeeConfig,
			Allocation:  allocation,
			Precompiles: params.Precompiles{},
		Name: "TestSubnet",

Nodes SDK Example

This example shows how to create Avalanche Validator Nodes (SDK function for nodes to start validating Primary Network / Subnet will be available in the next Avalanche Tooling SDK release).

This examples also shows how to create an Avalanche Monitoring Node, which enables you to have a centralized Grafana Dashboard where you can view metrics relevant to any Validator & API nodes that the monitoring node is linked to as well as a centralized logs for the X/P/C Chain and Subnet logs for the Validator & API nodes. An example on how the dashboard and logs look like can be found at

More examples can be found at examples directory.

package main

import (

	awsAPI ""

func CreateNodes() {
	ctx := context.Background()

	// Get the default cloud parameters for AWS
	cp, err := node.GetDefaultCloudParams(ctx, node.AWSCloud)
	if err != nil {

	securityGroupName := "SECURITY_GROUP_NAME"
	// Create a new security group in AWS if you do not currently have one in the selected
	// AWS region.
	sgID, err := awsAPI.CreateSecurityGroup(ctx, securityGroupName, cp.AWSConfig.AWSProfile, cp.Region)
	if err != nil {
	// Set the security group we are using when creating our Avalanche Nodes
	cp.AWSConfig.AWSSecurityGroupID = sgID

	keyPairName := "KEY_PAIR_NAME"
	sshPrivateKeyPath := utils.ExpandHome("PRIVATE_KEY_FILEPATH")
	// Create a new AWS SSH key pair if you do not currently have one in your selected AWS region.
	// Note that the created key pair can only be used in the region that it was created in.
	// The private key to the created key pair will be stored in the filepath provided in
	// sshPrivateKeyPath.
	if err := awsAPI.CreateSSHKeyPair(ctx, cp.AWSConfig.AWSProfile, cp.Region, keyPairName, sshPrivateKeyPath); err != nil {
	// Set the key pair we are using when creating our Avalanche Nodes
	cp.AWSConfig.AWSKeyPair = keyPairName

	// Avalanche-CLI is installed in nodes to enable them to join subnets as validators
	// Avalanche-CLI dependency by Avalanche nodes will be deprecated in the next release
	// of Avalanche Tooling SDK
	const (
		avalancheGoVersion  = "v1.11.8"

	// Create two new Avalanche Validator nodes on Fuji Network on AWS without Elastic IPs
	// attached. Once CreateNodes is completed, the validators will begin bootstrapping process
	// to Primary Network in Fuji Network. Nodes need to finish bootstrapping process
	// before they can validate Avalanche Primary Network / Subnet.
	// SDK function for nodes to start validating Primary Network / Subnet will be available
	// in the next Avalanche Tooling SDK release.
	hosts, err := node.CreateNodes(ctx,
			CloudParams:         cp,
			Count:               2,
			Roles:               []node.SupportedRole{node.Validator},
			Network:             avalanche.FujiNetwork(),
			AvalancheGoVersion:  avalancheGoVersion,
			UseStaticIP:         false,
			SSHPrivateKeyPath:   sshPrivateKeyPath,
	if err != nil {

	const (
		sshTimeout        = 120 * time.Second
		sshCommandTimeout = 10 * time.Second

	// Examples showing how to run ssh commands on the created nodes
	for _, h := range hosts {
		// Wait for the host to be ready (only needs to be done once for newly created nodes)
		fmt.Println("Waiting for SSH shell")
		if err := h.WaitForSSHShell(sshTimeout); err != nil {
		fmt.Println("SSH shell ready to execute commands")
		// Run a command on the host
		if output, err := h.Commandf(nil, sshCommandTimeout, "echo 'Hello, %s!'", "World"); err != nil {
		} else {
		// sleep for 10 seconds allowing AvalancheGo container to start
		time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
		// check if avalanchego is running
		if output, err := h.Commandf(nil, sshCommandTimeout, "docker ps"); err != nil {
		} else {

	// Create a monitoring node.
	// Monitoring node enables you to have a centralized Grafana Dashboard where you can view
	// metrics relevant to any Validator & API nodes that the monitoring node is linked to as well
	// as a centralized logs for the X/P/C Chain and Subnet logs for the Validator & API nodes.
	// An example on how the dashboard and logs look like can be found at
	monitoringHosts, err := node.CreateNodes(ctx,
			CloudParams:       cp,
			Count:             1,
			Roles:             []node.SupportedRole{node.Monitor},
			UseStaticIP:       false,
			SSHPrivateKeyPath: sshPrivateKeyPath,
	if err != nil {

	// Link the 2 validator nodes previously created with the monitoring host so that
	// the monitoring host can start tracking the validator nodes metrics and collecting their logs
	if err := monitoringHosts[0].MonitorNodes(ctx, hosts, ""); err != nil {

func ValidatePrimaryNetwork() {
	// We are using existing host
	node := node.Node{
		// NodeID is Avalanche Node ID of the node
		NodeID: "NODE_ID",
		// IP address of the node
		// SSH configuration for the node
		SSHConfig: node.SSHConfig{
			User:           constants.RemoteHostUser,
		// Role of the node can be 	Validator, API, AWMRelayer, Loadtest, or Monitor
		Roles: []node.SupportedRole{node.Validator},

	nodeID, err := ids.NodeIDFromString(node.NodeID)
	if err != nil {

	validatorParams := validator.PrimaryNetworkValidatorParams{
		NodeID: nodeID,
		// Validate Primary Network for 48 hours
		Duration: 48 * time.Hour,
		// Stake 2 AVAX
		StakeAmount: 2 * units.Avax,

	// Key that will be used for paying the transaction fee of AddValidator Tx
	network := avalanche.FujiNetwork()
	keychain, err := keychain.NewKeychain(network, "PRIVATE_KEY_FILEPATH", nil)
	if err != nil {

	wallet, err := wallet.New(
			URI:              network.Endpoint,
			AVAXKeychain:     keychain.Keychain,
			EthKeychain:      secp256k1fx.NewKeychain(),
			PChainTxsToFetch: nil,
	if err != nil {

	txID, err := node.ValidatePrimaryNetwork(avalanche.FujiNetwork(), validatorParams, wallet)
	if err != nil {
	fmt.Printf("obtained tx id %s", txID.String())