This is a P8X32A/Propeller 1, P2X8C4M64P/Propeller 2 driver object for the Sino Wealth SH110x OLED display controller.
IMPORTANT: This software is meant to be used with the spin-standard-library (P8X32A) or p2-spin-standard-library (P2X8C4M64P). Please install the applicable library first before attempting to use this code, otherwise you will be missing several files required to build the project.
- I2C connection at up to approx 400kHz (unenforced)
- SPI connection at fixed 4MHz (P1), up to 10MHz (P2, unenforced)
- Supports up to 128x128px displays
- Display mirroring (horizontal and vertical)
- Display visibility modes: normal, inverted, all pixels on
- Variable contrast
- Low-level display control: Logic voltages, oscillator frequency, addressing mode
- Supports display modules with or without discrete RESET pin
- Integration with the generic bitmap graphics library
- Buffered display or direct-to-display drawing (see 'Limitations' for direct-to-display)
- spin-standard-library
- P1/SPIN1: 1 extra core/cog for the PASM I2C or SPI engine, as applicable
- graphics.common.spinh (provided by spin-standard-library)
bytes of RAM for the display, if buffered mode is used (default)
- p2-spin-standard-library
- graphics.common.spin2h (provided by p2-spin-standard-library)
bytes of RAM for the display, if buffered mode is used (default)
Processor | Language | Compiler | Backend | Status |
P1 | SPIN1 | FlexSpin (6.9.4) | Bytecode | OK |
P1 | SPIN1 | FlexSpin (6.9.4) | Native/PASM | OK |
P2 | SPIN2 | FlexSpin (6.9.4) | NuCode | Runtime issues |
P2 | SPIN2 | FlexSpin (6.9.4) | Native/PASM2 | OK |
(other versions or toolchains not listed are not supported, and may or may not work)
- Tested with Adafruit SH1107, 1.12" (P/N 5297)
- Doesn't support parallel interface-connected displays (currently unplanned)
- Unbuffered/Direct-draw operations are limited, due to the nature of serial 1bpp displays. box(), line(), circle and plot() aren't implemented. Don't
#define GFX_DIRECT
if you need these.