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PostTrajectory Project

PostTrajectory is a trajectory and moving objects management system which have been developed on PostgreSQL/PostGIS. This system have been developed by Awarematics Group, School of Computer, Information, and Communication Engineering, Kunsan National University. Any comments and contributions are welcomed.

Current Members

Pyung Woo Yang, Kunsan National University and Turbosoft Inc., [email protected] 
Kwang Woo Nam, Kunsan National University, [email protected]


Kihyun Yoo, Kunsan National University

Creation Trajectory Table

create table taxi(
	taxi_id integer,
	taxi_number varchar,
	taxi_model varchar,
	taxi_driver varchar

Adding Trajectory Column

select tj_addtrajectorycolumn('public', 'taxi', 'traj', 4326, 'MOVINGPOINT', 2, 10);

Insert Moving Objects

insert into taxi values(1, '57NU2001', 'Optima', 'hongkd7');
insert into taxi values(2, '57NU2002', 'SonataYF', 'hongkd7');
insert into taxi values(3, '57NU2003', 'Optima', 'hongkd7');
insert into taxi values(4, '57NU2004', 'SonataYF', 'hongkd7');
insert into taxi values(5, '57NU2005', 'Optima', 'hongkd7');

Append GPS or a Trajectory Point in a Moving Object

UPDATE taxi 
SET    traj = tj_append(traj, tpoint(st_point(200, 200),TIMESTAMP '2010-01-25 12:05:30+09')) 
WHERE  taxi_id = 1;

## To be
## MPOINT is ( x y t, x y t, ...) = (float float long, float float long, ...)
UPDATE taxi 
SET    traj = tj_append(traj, 'MPOINT( 100 100 5000, 150 150 5001)') 
WHERE  taxi_id = 1;

View All Moving Objects

select * from taxi;

Append GPS Stream or a Trajectories in a Moving Object

-- new update statement
UPDATE taxi 
SET traj = tj_append(traj, ARRAY[ ( tpoint(st_point(1510, 1210),TIMESTAMP '2010-01-26 15:21:40+09') ), 
					   ( tpoint(st_point(1320, 1220),TIMESTAMP '2010-01-26 15:25:40+09') ), 
					   ( tpoint(st_point(1405, 1175),TIMESTAMP '2010-01-26 15:29:40+09') ), 
					   ( tpoint(st_point(1461, 1037),TIMESTAMP '2010-01-26 15:36:40+09') ) ]::tpoint[] )
WHERE  taxi_id = 1;

## To be
UPDATE taxi 
SET traj = tj_append(traj, 'MPOINT (1510 1210 5003, 1320 1220 5004, 1405 1175 5005, 1461 1037 5006)' )  
WHERE taxi_id = 1;

Remove GPS Stream or Partial Trajectory in a Moving Object

-- reomve 
UPDATE taxi 
SET traj = tj_remove(traj, TIMESTAMP '2010-01-26 12:33:40+09', TIMESTAMP '2010-01-26 12:37:40+09')
WHERE taxi_id = 1;

## To be
UPDATE taxi 
SET traj = tj_remove(traj, 'PERIOD( TIMESTAMP( 2010-01-26 12:33:40+09), TIMESTAMP(2010-01-26 12:37:40+09) )' )
WHERE taxi_id = 1;

UPDATE taxi 
SET traj = tj_remove(traj, 'PERIOD( 5001, 5003)' )
WHERE taxi_id = 1;

Slicing Trjactories

select tj_slice( traj, TIMESTAMP '2010-01-26 14:50:40+09', TIMESTAMP '2010-01-26 15:20:40+09')
from taxi;

## To be
select tj_slice( traj, 'PERIOD(5003, 5005)')
from taxi;

Spatial Slicing

select tj_slice(traj, geometry('POLYGON ( ( 300 200, 300 300, 440 300, 440 200, 300 200 ) )')
from taxi;

Spatial Slicing and Temporal Slicing

SELECT tj_slice( traj, TIMESTAMP '2010-01-26 12:15:30+09', TIMESTAMP '2010-01-26 12:17:00+09'), tj_slice(traj, geometry('POLYGON ( ( 300 200, 300 300, 440 300, 440 200, 300 200 ) )'))
from taxi;

SELECT tj_slice( traj, TIMESTAMP '2010-01-26 14:50:40+09', timestamp '2010-01-26 15:20:40+09')
from taxi
where tj_overlap( tj_slice(traj, geometry('POLYGON ( ( 300 200, 300 300, 440 300, 440 200, 300 200 ) )')), 
						tj_period(TIMESTAMP '2010-01-26 15:00:00+09', TIMESTAMP '2010-01-27 00:00:00+09'));

## To be
SELECT tj_slice( traj, TIMESTAMP '2011-02-20 17:13:00', TIMESTAMP '2011-02-20 17:26:00')
from taxi
where tj_overlap( tj_slice(traj, GeomFromText('POLYGON(15000 18000, 30000 30000, 15000 18000)')), 'PERIOD( 5003, 5008 ')); 

Enter Function and Predicates

select taxi_id, tj_enter(traj, box2d(geometry('POLYGON ( ( 300 200, 300 300, 440 300, 440 200, 300 200 ) )'))::box2d)
from taxi

SELECT taxi_id, taxi_number
from taxi
where tj_enter(traj, geometry('POLYGON ( ( 300 200, 300 300, 440 300, 440 200, 300 200 ) )'))

## To be
SELECT taxi_id, taxi_number
from taxi
WHERE tj_enter( traj, GeomFromText('POLYGON(15000 18000, 30000 30000, 15000 18000)', 'PERIOD( 5003, 5008 )'));

Example queries for distance function

  1. m_distance : MDouble
  2. m_mindistance : minimum distance of MDouble
  3. m_maxdistance : maximum distance of MDouble
SELECT taxi_id, taxi_numer, 
       tj_distance(traj, geometry('Point( 50 50 )' ),
       tj_mindistance(traj, geometry('Point( 50 50 )' ), 
       tj_maxdistance(traj, geometry('Point( 50 50 )' )
FROM taxi;

SELECT taxi_id, bus_id, tj_distance( t.traj, b.traj)
FROM taxi t, bus b;

SELECT taxi_id, taxi_number 
FROM taxi
WHERE tj_getDistance( tj_mindistance(traj,  geometry('Point( 50 50 )') ) < 20;

SELECT taxi_id, taxi_number, tj_slice( traj, TIMESTAMP '2011-02-20 17:13:00', TIMESTAMP '2011-02-20 17:26:00')
FROM taxi 
WHERE tj_getDistance( tj_mindistance( tj_slice( traj, TIMESTAMP '2011-02-20 17:13:00', TIMESTAMP '2011-02-20 17:26:00'), 
                     geometry('Point( 50 50 )') ) < 50;

SELECT tj_distance(b.traj, t.traj) 
FROM taxi t, bus b 
WHERE tj_mindistance(t.traj, b.traj,  TIMESTAMP '2011-02-20 17:13:00', TIMESTAMP '2011-02-20 17:26:00') < 100m;

Install Environment

1. PostgresQL 9.6
2. postGIS 2.3
3. Python 3.2