A period tracker application.
Ensure you have a development environment setup for node and for android.
Note: The recommended node version for this project is v12.13.1
Note: The recommended react native cli version for this project is 3.0.0-alpha.7
Note: Follow the android studio setup recommended by react native. At the time of development the SDK build tools version used was 28.0.3
as indicated in the build.gradle
These are recommendations based on what is known to work when the project was in initial development
Install react native cli:
npm i -g @react-native-community/[email protected]
Note: It is not necessary to install typescript globally as it is installed as a dependency. However given that the project is a mono -repository it is crucial that the version of typescript is consistent throughout. This can be checked in the root directory with:
Install docker:
This is a virtual machine solution that interfaces with the kernel of the OS (basically cutting a number of middlewares out from traditional VM solutions). The core interfacing parts of Period Tracker App are handled in containers and we will use the docker command line to get them working.
You should log in / create a docker hub account to do test work (see Deploy the backend (CMS / API /Website) section).
For a getting started guide on Docker see:
Install yarn
Ensure you have the package manager yarn
installed recommended by facebook.
Clone the repository:
git clone [email protected]:alextyers/period-tracker-app.git
Note: the clone url may be different for different languages
Go to the root directory of the project:
cd period-tracker-app
Install the dependencies:
After all dependencies are installed. Copy the following untraced files into the repository
Copy .env.dist
to .env
Copy api env file
cd packages/api/
cp .env.dist .env
- change the following lines to the below:
- This is to make sure that the database is created the first time and should be changed back to false after the first run
Copy cms env file
cd packages/mobile/
cp .env.production .env
- change the following lines to the below:
- API_BASE_URL=http://localhost:3000
- API_BASE_CMS_URL=http://localhost:5000
- Add a config.ts
- Add config.ts file to
- This is for redux persist encryption on the local device
- It should look like:
export const config = {
REDUX_ENCRYPT_KEY: 'Example_Encryption_Key',
The config file oky-config.json is untraced and should be requested first from the relevant body/person. By default this is
The config file period-tracker-app-firebase-config.json is untraced and should be requested first from the relevant body/person. By default this is:
It should then be pasted into period-tracker-app/packages/cms/period-tracker-app-firebase-config.json
alongside the ormconfig.ts
This file serves to link the related functionality between the app and dashboard (dashboard).
In order to test the app -api-cms interaction you will have to build the docker images for development by simply running the command in the root:
docker-compose build
To run the backend/website/cms and api simply run the command (ensure the images are built):
yarn dev
- Note: Ensure DATABASE_SYNCHRONIZE=true the first time you run so that the DB tables can be created
If the database was not created successfully the cms container will exit but the api/website/database should still be running. Running services include
Database (DB): Access the database at http://localhost:8080/
API: Access the API at http://localhost:3000/
CMS: Access the database at http://localhost:5000/login
Development DB credentials:
- System: PostgresSQL
- Server: postgres
- DB Name: oky
- User Name: oky
- password: oky
CMS Credentials:
Currently the migration is not automatic and should be run manually. A development database is currently available in period-tracker-app/packages/cms/src/migrations/stale-database.txt
Open up the database at http://localhost:8080/, login and open a manual SQL commnad. Use the stale databse above to drop / create and insert all the relevant tables
There are 2 views that are setup. Ensure they are not Tables. These 2 views and their relevant SQL query can be found at packages/cms/src/migrations
You may need to relaunch the deployment at this point if synchronize is turned on.
Stop the metro (ctrl+c) and stop the containers docker-compose down
and re-run yarn dev
. You should see success commands from the api and cms with which port they have started on.
Start the simulator, then run react-native for android:
cd packages/mobile
react-native run-android
Remember to reverse the ports to have access to the functionality of the api/cms. All should run at this point. If there are android build errors. Try open the project in Android Studio, clean build and re-sync the gradle files.
Install the pods required for iOS
cd packages/mobile/ios
pod install
Run react-native for iOS (you can choose relevant simulator/emulator):
cd packages/mobile
react-native run-ios --simulator="iPhone 12 Pro"
Note: you will need access to Apple developer account so you can create your developemnt certificate and profile before running the ios app using xcode.
Using docker and docker-compose, just run:
docker-compose build
Then start the containers with:
docker-compose up
If you are running the react native application on a device and you want to make all the services available to it run:
yarn reverse:all-ports
Or for just a single service (in this case API) run:
adb reverse tcp:3000 tcp:3000
If you want to install a npm module, without re-building the docker images, just run:
docker-compose exec server yarn add moment
If you want sync the public folder to dist directory, run:
docker-compose exec server yarn copy-static-assets
but, if you pull dependencies changes from other people, remember to:
docker-compose down && docker-compose build
and restart it again.
- Build the docker containers for production:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml build --no-cache
- Tag each container:
docker tag period-tracker-app_cms:latest mydockeraccount/cms:v9
- Push each container:
docker push mydockeraccount/cms:v9
- Now your container has been pushed to your account. Its time to apply that to the kubernetes cluster: (Note: You should make sure your kubernetes cluster is connected to the appropriate Docker Hub account)
-Checkout the k8s branch git checkout k8s
-Navigate to the relevant .yaml file in the k8s directory in the root of the project (ie for cms it will be k8s/cms.yaml
-Bump the version number to the version of the container that was just pushed (ie v9 in the example)
-Run the following command (substitute cms for whatever container) from the root:
kubectl apply -f .k8s/cms.yaml
You are done. If you navigate to the cluster you should see updated versions on the containers.
Add to packages/mobile/android/local.properties
Note: Add your own key alias and key passwords with your own key store to release your own variant. **(NotPublic)**
should be replaced. For releases to the main application request the appropriate information/ keystore files from [email protected]
Note: Do not forget to add you sdk and ndk file directories specific to your development environment:
// example depends on OS and specific environment set up
//... remainder of the local.properties
You will also need to ensure a few things:
- The build version has been bumped in
- The firebase config .json has been included and is configured (the name matches) as mentioned above.
- You have cleaned and synced gradle files. Do it twice just to be sure ;)
Build the apk for release with (remember to sync your gradle files!):
cd packages/mobile/android
./gradlew assembleRelease
How install packages:
yarn workspace @period-tracker-app/mobile add react-native-linear-gradient
yarn workspace @period-tracker-app/components add redux
How run the backend in production mode:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml build --no-cache
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up
There are a few unit tests added and can be expanded upon as needed.
Two test suites can be run from the root:
yarn run test:prediction-engine
runs the prediction engine test suiteyarn run test:saga
runs the redux and sagas test suiteyarn run test:all
will run both consecutively
If you install a package and adjust the typescript version from an upgrade operation remember that typescript has / will change in the future. Make sure you have a single version across the mono repository by running:
cat yarn.lock | grep typescript
If there are multiple versions of typescript it may be necessary to revert:
git checkout origin/master -- yarn.lock // this is only necesarry if you have typescripting errors
Open the Oky project with VS Code, and install the following extensions
Open the Period Tracker App project with VS Code, and install the following extensions:
Prettier. You can turn on format-on-save by scoping the setting:
"editor.formatOnSave": false,
You can use it to debug the React component hierarchy. Run:
yarn devtools
If you're not in a simulator then you also need to run the following in a command prompt:
adb reverse tcp:8097 tcp:8097
cd packages/mobile
yarn remotedev
Open http://localhost:8000, then lunch the application. You may need to run:
adb reverse tcp:8000 tcp:8000
During Onboarding there is a region selection tool. If the user selects Indonesia they can no longer adjust their region. This was an intended feature to satisfy a requirement during development. This serves as a good development example of one way language changing if the feature were ever to be reintroduced. Please see 'docs/docs_change_lang' Readme for further information on removing this.