Release v0.11.0
🎉 AWS OpenTelemetry Collector v0.11.0 Change Log 🎉
AWS OpenTelemetry Collector is AWS Distro of OpenTelemetry Collector from OpenTelemetry Collector. Check out the Getting Started documentation.
New Features
AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry adds Amazon CloudWatch Container Insights (in preview) support for
- Container Insights EKS EC2 Infrastructure Metrics Support
- Container Insights EKS Prometheus Workload Metrics Support
- Container Insights ECS Prometheus Workload Metrics Support
New Component From Upstream
- awscontainerinsightreceiver - Generates and aggregate infrastructure metrics such as CPU, memory, disk, and network, etc. for Amazon EKS, ECS and Kubernetes on EC2 hosts.
- ecsobserver - used to discover prometheus metrics targets from ECS running tasks/services based on service names, task definitions and container labels.
🛑 Known Issue 🛑
ADOT Collector will be failed to start on EC2 and OnPremise instances when logzioexporter is enabled in the configuration in this release. The fix and patch release are tracked in issue #574.
Enhancements & Bug Fixes
- Collector config not resolving resource attributes when used in log_stream_name #482
- Non-string OpenTelemetry span attributes appearing as blank strings in X-Ray UI #518
- AWS OTel Collector log file paths writing failure for Container Env #369
Full Change logs
- v0.10.0...v0.11.0
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator
- docker pull amazon/aws-otel-collector:v0.11.0
AWS Public ECR
- docker pull