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Adjust eigenvalue solver to always use mass matrix-normalized eigenve…
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…ctors for consistency of results across processor counts (where true dof definitions, and thus l2 norm, might change)

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sebastiangrimberg committed Feb 2, 2024
1 parent 2d4740b commit 43b7b42
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Showing 10 changed files with 294 additions and 220 deletions.
34 changes: 20 additions & 14 deletions palace/drivers/eigensolver.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -148,13 +148,13 @@ EigenSolver::Solve(const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Mesh>> &mesh) const
std::unique_ptr<Operator> KM;
if (iodata.solver.eigenmode.mass_orthog)
// Mpi::Print(" Basis uses M-inner product\n");
// KM = spaceop.GetInnerProductMatrix(0.0, 1.0, nullptr, M.get());
// eigen->SetBMat(*KM);

Mpi::Print(" Basis uses (K + M)-inner product\n");
KM = spaceop.GetInnerProductMatrix(1.0, 1.0, K.get(), M.get());
Mpi::Print(" Basis uses M-inner product\n");
KM = spaceop.GetInnerProductMatrix(0.0, 1.0, nullptr, M.get());

// Mpi::Print(" Basis uses (K + M)-inner product\n");
// KM = spaceop.GetInnerProductMatrix(1.0, 1.0, K.get(), M.get());
// eigen->SetBMat(*KM);

// Construct a divergence-free projector so the eigenvalue solve is performed in the space
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -266,20 +266,21 @@ EigenSolver::Solve(const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Mesh>> &mesh) const

// Calculate and record the error indicators.
Mpi::Print("Computing solution error estimates\n\n");
// Calculate and record the error indicators and postprocess the results.
BlockTimer bt2(Timer::POSTPRO);
Mpi::Print("Computing solution error estimates and postprocessing computed modes\n\n");
CurlFluxErrorEstimator<ComplexVector> estimator(
spaceop.GetMaterialOp(), spaceop.GetNDSpace(), iodata.solver.linear.estimator_tol,
iodata.solver.linear.estimator_max_it, 0);
ErrorIndicator indicator;
for (int i = 0; i < iodata.solver.eigenmode.n; i++)
if (!KM)
eigen->GetEigenvector(i, E);
estimator.AddErrorIndicator(E, indicator);
// Normalize the finalized eigenvectors with respect to mass matrix (unit electric field
// energy) even if they are not computed to be orthogonal with respect to it.
KM = spaceop.GetInnerProductMatrix(0.0, 1.0, nullptr, M.get());

// Postprocess the results.
BlockTimer bt2(Timer::POSTPRO);
for (int i = 0; i < num_conv; i++)
// Get the eigenvalue and relative error.
Expand All @@ -300,6 +301,11 @@ EigenSolver::Solve(const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Mesh>> &mesh) const
// Compute B = -1/(iω) ∇ x E on the true dofs, and set the internal GridFunctions in
// PostOperator for all postprocessing operations.
eigen->GetEigenvector(i, E);
if (i < iodata.solver.eigenmode.n)
// Only consider the desired number of modes for the error indicator.
estimator.AddErrorIndicator(E, indicator);
Curl.Mult(E.Real(), B.Real());
Curl.Mult(E.Imag(), B.Imag());
B *= -1.0 / (1i * omega);
Expand Down
149 changes: 84 additions & 65 deletions palace/linalg/arpack.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -225,6 +225,7 @@ void ArpackEigenvalueSolver::SetNumModes(int num_eig, int num_vec)
if (ncv > 0 && num_vec != ncv)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -435,6 +436,23 @@ void ArpackEigenvalueSolver::GetEigenvector(int i, ComplexVector &x) const
MFEM_VERIFY(x.Size() == n, "Invalid size mismatch for provided eigenvector!");
const int &j = perm.get()[i];
x.Set(V.get() + j * n, n);
if (xscale.get()[j] > 0.0)
x *= xscale.get()[j];

double ArpackEigenvalueSolver::GetEigenvectorNorm(const ComplexVector &x,
ComplexVector &Bx) const
if (opB)
return linalg::Norml2(comm, x, *opB, Bx);
return linalg::Norml2(comm, x);

double ArpackEigenvalueSolver::GetError(int i, EigenvalueSolver::ErrorType type) const
Expand All @@ -454,6 +472,18 @@ double ArpackEigenvalueSolver::GetError(int i, EigenvalueSolver::ErrorType type)
return 0.0;

void ArpackEigenvalueSolver::RescaleEigenvectors(int num_eig)
res = std::make_unique<double[]>(num_eig);
xscale = std::make_unique<double[]>(num_eig);
for (int i = 0; i < num_eig; i++)
x1.Set(V.get() + i * n, n);
xscale.get()[i] = 1.0 / GetEigenvectorNorm(x1, y1);
res.get()[i] = GetResidualNorm(eig.get()[i], x1, y1) / linalg::Norml2(comm, x1);

// EPS specific methods

ArpackEPSSolver::ArpackEPSSolver(MPI_Comm comm, int print)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -483,17 +513,17 @@ void ArpackEPSSolver::SetOperators(const ComplexOperator &K, const ComplexOperat

// Set up workspace.
n = opK->Height();

int ArpackEPSSolver::Solve()
// Set some defaults (default maximum iterations from SLEPc).
HYPRE_BigInt N = linalg::GlobalSize(comm, z);
HYPRE_BigInt N = linalg::GlobalSize(comm, z1);
if (ncv > N)
ncv = mfem::internal::to_int(N);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -525,21 +555,13 @@ int ArpackEPSSolver::Solve()
eig = std::make_unique<std::complex<double>[]>(nev + 1);
perm = std::make_unique<int[]>(nev);
res = std::make_unique<double[]>(nev);

// Solve the generalized eigenvalue problem.
int num_conv = SolveInternal(n, r.get(), V.get(), eig.get(), perm.get());

// Compute the eigenpair residuals: || (K - λ M) x ||₂ for eigenvalue λ.
for (int i = 0; i < nev; i++)
const std::complex<double> l = eig.get()[i];
x.Set(V.get() + i * n, n);
opK->Mult(x, y);
opM->AddMult(x, y, -l);
res.get()[i] = linalg::Norml2(comm, y);

// Reset for next solve.
info = 0;
Expand All @@ -553,37 +575,46 @@ void ArpackEPSSolver::ApplyOp(const std::complex<double> *px,
// y = M⁻¹ K x .
// Case 2: Shift-and-invert spectral transformation (opInv = (K - σ M)⁻¹)
// y = (K - σ M)⁻¹ M x .
x.Set(px, n);
x1.Set(px, n);
if (!sinvert)
opK->Mult(x, z);
opInv->Mult(z, y);
y *= 1.0 / gamma;
opK->Mult(x1, z1);
opInv->Mult(z1, y1);
y1 *= 1.0 / gamma;
opM->Mult(x, z);
opInv->Mult(z, y);
y *= gamma;
opM->Mult(x1, z1);
opInv->Mult(z1, y1);
y1 *= gamma;
if (opProj)
// Mpi::Print(" Before projection: {:e}\n", linalg::Norml2(comm, y));
// Mpi::Print(" After projection: {:e}\n", linalg::Norml2(comm, y));
// Mpi::Print(" Before projection: {:e}\n", linalg::Norml2(comm, y1));
// Mpi::Print(" After projection: {:e}\n", linalg::Norml2(comm, y1));
y.Get(py, n);
y1.Get(py, n);

void ArpackEPSSolver::ApplyOpB(const std::complex<double> *px,
std::complex<double> *py) const
MFEM_VERIFY(opB, "No B operator for weighted inner product in ARPACK solve!");
x.Set(px, n);
opB->Mult(x.Real(), y.Real());
opB->Mult(x.Imag(), y.Imag());
y *= delta * gamma;
y.Get(py, n);
x1.Set(px, n);
opB->Mult(x1.Real(), y1.Real());
opB->Mult(x1.Imag(), y1.Imag());
y1 *= delta * gamma;
y1.Get(py, n);

double ArpackEPSSolver::GetResidualNorm(std::complex<double> l, const ComplexVector &x,
ComplexVector &r) const
// Compute the i-th eigenpair residual: || (K - λ M) x ||₂ for eigenvalue λ.
opK->Mult(x, r);
opM->AddMult(x, r, -l);
return linalg::Norml2(comm, r);

double ArpackEPSSolver::GetBackwardScaling(std::complex<double> l) const
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -638,7 +669,7 @@ void ArpackPEPSolver::SetOperators(const ComplexOperator &K, const ComplexOperat
n = opK->Height();

Expand All @@ -647,7 +678,7 @@ int ArpackPEPSolver::Solve()
// Set some defaults (from SLEPc ARPACK interface). The problem size is the size of the
// 2x2 block linearized problem.
HYPRE_BigInt N = linalg::GlobalSize(comm, z);
HYPRE_BigInt N = linalg::GlobalSize(comm, z1);
if (ncv > 2 * N)
ncv = mfem::internal::to_int(2 * N);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -682,25 +713,20 @@ int ArpackPEPSolver::Solve()
if (!eig)
eig = std::make_unique<std::complex<double>[]>(nev + 1);
perm = std::make_unique<int[]>(nev + 1);
res = std::make_unique<double[]>(nev + 1);
perm = std::make_unique<int[]>(nev);

// Solve the linearized eigenvalue problem.
int num_conv = SolveInternal(2 * n, s.get(), W.get(), eig.get(), perm.get());

// Extract the eigenvector from the linearized problem and compute the eigenpair
// residuals: || P(λ) x ||₂ = || (K + λ C + λ² M) x ||₂ for eigenvalue λ.
// residuals: || P(λ) x ||₂ = || (K + λ C + λ² M) x ||₂ for eigenvalue λ. For the
// linearized problem, select the most accurate x for y = [x₁; x₂]. Or, just take x = x₁.
for (int i = 0; i < nev; i++)
const std::complex<double> &l = eig.get()[i];
ExtractEigenvector(l, W.get() + i * 2 * n, V.get() + i * n);
x1.Set(V.get() + i * n, n);
opK->Mult(x1, y1);
opC->AddMult(x1, y1, l);
opM->AddMult(x1, y1, l * l);
res.get()[i] = linalg::Norml2(comm, y1);
std::copy(W.get() + i * 2 * n, W.get() + (i * 2 + 1) * n, V.get() + i * n);

// Reset for next solve.
info = 0;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -729,9 +755,9 @@ void ArpackPEPSolver::ApplyOp(const std::complex<double> *px,
// Mpi::Print(" Before projection: {:e}\n", linalg::Norml2(comm, y1));

opK->Mult(x1, z);
opC->AddMult(x2, z, std::complex<double>(gamma, 0.0));
opInv->Mult(z, y2);
opK->Mult(x1, z1);
opC->AddMult(x2, z1, std::complex<double>(gamma, 0.0));
opInv->Mult(z1, y2);
y2 *= -1.0 / (gamma * gamma);
if (opProj)
Expand All @@ -743,9 +769,9 @@ void ArpackPEPSolver::ApplyOp(const std::complex<double> *px,
y2.AXPBYPCZ(sigma, x1, gamma, x2, 0.0); // Just temporarily
opM->Mult(y2, z);
opC->AddMult(x1, z, std::complex<double>(1.0, 0.0));
opInv->Mult(z, y1);
opM->Mult(y2, z1);
opC->AddMult(x1, z1, std::complex<double>(1.0, 0.0));
opInv->Mult(z1, y1);
y1 *= -gamma;
if (opProj)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -782,6 +808,17 @@ void ArpackPEPSolver::ApplyOpB(const std::complex<double> *px,
y2.Get(py + n, n);

double ArpackPEPSolver::GetResidualNorm(std::complex<double> l, const ComplexVector &x,
ComplexVector &r) const
// Compute the i-th eigenpair residual: || P(λ) x ||₂ = || (K + λ C + λ² M) x ||₂ for
// eigenvalue λ.
opK->Mult(x, r);
opC->AddMult(x, r, l);
opM->AddMult(x, r, l * l);
return linalg::Norml2(comm, r);

double ArpackPEPSolver::GetBackwardScaling(std::complex<double> l) const
// Make sure not to use norms from scaling as this can be confusing if they are different.
Expand All @@ -802,24 +839,6 @@ double ArpackPEPSolver::GetBackwardScaling(std::complex<double> l) const
return normK + t * normC + t * t * normM;

void ArpackPEPSolver::ExtractEigenvector(std::complex<double> l,
const std::complex<double> *py,
std::complex<double> *px) const
// Select the most accurate x for y = [x₁; x₂] from the linearized eigenvalue problem. Or,
// just take x = x₁.
x1.Set(py, n);
if (opB)
linalg::Normalize(comm, x1, *opB, y1);
linalg::Normalize(comm, x1);
x1.Get(px, n);

} // namespace palace::arpack


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