Easy and clean mail creation and transportation.
Version 1.0.0-beta-1
This little library allows you to create email objects easy sent by a selected transporter (PHP mail function, WordPress, etc.).
use AWSM\LibMail\Transporter\PhpMail;
use AWSM\LibMail\Mail;
use AWSM\LibMail\MailException;
$mail = new Mail();
$transporter = new PhpMail();
try {
$mail->addToEmail( '[email protected]' );
$mail->setFromName( 'Developer' );
$mail->setFromEmail( '[email protected]' );
$mail->setSubject( 'Read my mail!' );
$mail->setContent( 'Hello John! Greetings from the developer!' );
$transporter->setMail( $mail );
} catch ( MailException $e ) {
echo $e->getMessage();