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azappella edited this page Sep 18, 2010 · 18 revisions

##Installation Errors ###Configuration Perl version: ActivePerl-

OS: Windows 7 (x64)

TreeTagger: v.3.2 (English & French parameter files installed)


(1) Running "perl"

Can't locate Path/ in @INC (@INC contains: C:/Perl64/site/lib C:/Perl64/lib .) at line 5
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 5.

SOLUTION [azappella]: Fixed by installing module Path-class. A mention should be made in the README file.

EDIT [axanthos]: Removed dependency to Path::Class in Build.PL. Replaced Path::Class methods with local subroutines -- to be tested on linux and MacOSX. Also made use of File::Which conditional to the module's presence in the Perl distribution.

(2) Running "perl"

It looks like you don't have a C compiler on your PATH, so you will not be able to compile C or XS extension modules.
You can install GCC from the MinGW package using the Perl Package Manager by running:

ppm install MinGW

WARNING: the following files are missing in your kit: META.yml

Please inform the author.

Creating new 'MYMETA.yml' with configuration results
Creating new 'Build' script for 'Lingua-TreeTagger' version '0.01'

SOLUTION [azappella]: Downloaded and Installed MinGW

EDIT [axanthos]: Added META.yml to distribution. In principle, C-compiler warning can be safely ignored.

(3) Running "./Build"

It looks like you don't have a C compiler on your PATH, so you will not be
able to compile C or XS extension modules.  You can install GCC from the
MinGW package using the Perl Package Manager by running:

ppm install MinGW

Building Lingua-TreeTagger

C:\users\andrew\projects\LinguaTreeTagger\Build.bat: blib\lib\Lingua\TreeTagger\ cannot resolve L<Moose> in paragraph 64.

C:\users\andrew\projects\LinguaTreeTagger\Build.bat: blib\lib\Lingua\TreeTagger\ cannot resolve L<Moose> in paragraph 165.

C:\users\andrew\projects\LinguaTreeTagger\Build.bat: blib\lib\Lingua\TreeTagger\ cannot resolve L<Moose> in paragraph 170.

C:\users\andrew\projects\LinguaTreeTagger\Build.bat: blib\lib\Lingua\ cannot resolve L<Moose> in paragraph 137.

EDIT [axanthos]: Error message comes from link to Moose module in POD documentation. Removed this link.

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