My own commercial Web Site
Welcome to CodeClass
After having thoroughly explored the possibilities of the C language, I wanted to offer courses to people to accelerate their learning of this language.
At the end of this project the courses and lessons would have been free, the subjects of the projects too but I would have sold the corrections of the projects.
The main project themes:
The access page to his profile:
I also had to discover natural referencing (or SEO) so that my site appears in the first possibility when someone wants to learn C.
Here is the result:
You can see that I already appear in second with a fairly simple search and without having pushed the SEO very far. All this for free of course because we can also simply pay Google to reference us effortlessly.
You can see the website here.
Or open folder to access the code Html Css and Php
# Clone this project
$ git clone
# Access
$ cd WebSite_learn_C
# Put it in a php host/manager like 000WebHost, Netlify, Apache or Nginx
# DADAM you have your website online