Burn the ino file in nodemcu
Give discreet ongoing dynamic feedback and furthermore information like daily report
chart, on an individual gadget like his/her cell phone as well in his/her email with respect
to the posture of the his/her by means of sensors like accelerometer and NodeMCU
Collect information on the situation of the lower back through an accelerometer (ADXL
Convert the raw values from the sensors to precise estimations of the lower back.
Send criticism through the NodeMCU (ESP8266) to the user’s mobile app and his email
alerting the user’s need to revise their posture
A system which is in the form of a belt is designed help correct incorrect body posture and
maintaining body and mind healthy.
System alerts the user about their inaccurate posture in time via a mobile app.
User will also be able to track real time activity of his posture. A lot of back related
problems can be cured by correcting postures during different works in life.
HealthChart feature is introduced in the application through which user can see the chart
which will generate the data of previous 10 time units So, User can keep record of their
posture and see their “posture progress”
Mobile Application is also created which is currently in beta version, Which provides the
same functionalities as a web application
For optimizing the results of model training better algorithm like convex hull is needed
which will find at any given instance if given point is inside the polygon or not. Here
polygon is the virtual area in which posture is correct if at any given instance point is
beyond this area than wrong posture will be indicated
We have planned in future to use more sensors so that more accurate and full body
scan/mapping is possible