Created with React GH Pages
cd web-ui
npm install
npm start
cd web-ui/src/pages/Blog/smileysblog
npm install
npm start
NOTE: Until future implementation, run the main website on port 3000 and the blog on port 3001. Custom scripts will help naviagte to the blog from the main website when developing locally.
Manual Deploy - npm run deploy
GitHub Actions - Commit to Main branch for automatic deployment see deploy.yml
- React GH Pages
- 3D Model Viewer
- Custom Domain
- Docusaurus blog (using markdown)
- GitHub Actions deployment
- Add Google analytics
- Add more to the blog main page
- Add a contact form
- Add a employment history section with a timeline
If you are looking to integrate any of these packages into your Github Page site, here is a list of some of the more challenges packages to integrate. This Github Page can be used as a reference.
- React - with backspace navigation
- Three.js - 3D Model Viewer
- Docusaurus - Markdown Blog