A libary to process kafka events making a number of choices
- Using stuartsierra components
- Event processing is wrapped in a jdbc transaction
- Configured using environment variables from configurati
- Logs using cambium
Processors are configurable to whether the topic needs to be re-wound, there is idempotency and a callback when event processing is completed.
Allows for multiple processors configured in different ways.
Add the following to your project.clj
[b-social/kafka-event-processor "0.1.7"]
Run test with lein test
gets published to clojars.org/b-social/kafka-event-processor
Which can be done following these steps:
Create an account on Clojars
Get added to the b-social group
- Current admins are: Elizabeth, Lucas, Natalia, Paul
Create a deploy key with b-social scope here
Commit the version change like this
lein test
lein deploy clojars
- Use your clojars deploy key, not password
Commit the snapshot version change like this
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Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.