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Laryn - edited this page Dec 7, 2018 · 6 revisions

Basic Usage:

  1. To set permissions of who can import users into the site, navigate to Configuration > User accounts > Permissions (admin/people/permissions) and set the "Import users" permission (in the "User Import" section) for the appropriate roles.

  2. To import users, navigate to User accounts > Import > New Import (admin/people/user_import/add).

  3. Press the 'browse' button to select a file to import, or select a file already added through FTP.

  4. Click on Next.

  5. Use the "Use Different CSV File" fieldset to remove and add a different CSV file

  6. Under Field Match you should see the various columns from your profile page.

  7. For each CSV column select a Backdrop field to map.

  8. Under username select 'No', if the field is not to be used to generate the username, or select '1' - '4' for the order to use the field in generating username.

    • Example: 'LastName' and 'FirstName' are fields to be used as username. So under the username selection chose '1' for 'FirstName' and '2' for 'Lastname', and the username generated will be in the form 'FirstNameLastName'.
  9. Under Options you should see Ignore First Line (use if the first row are labels), Contact, and Send Email. Select whichever is appropriate.

  10. Under Role Assign select the roles the imported users will be assigned.

  11. Under Email Message, you can override the default message sent to new users. Leave blank to use the default message.

  12. Under Update Existing Users, you can set whether existing users matching ones from the CSV file will be updated, replaced or added.

  13. Under Save Settings, you can save your settings for use on future imports.

  14. Click "Test" to do an import without committing changes to the database. Fix any errors that are generated.

  15. Click "Import" to complete the import.

Supported CSV File Formats

The following settings are necessary when saving a CSV file which will be used for the import.

  • File needs to be saved as "Character Set: Unicode (UTF-8)".
  • Field delimiter: , (can be configured as something else, a comma is the default though).
  • Text delimiter: " (if there's an option to quote all text cells, enable it).
  • The 'Windows line endings' setting complies with all of the above.
  • If file import fails with "File copy failed: source file does not exist," try setting the file extension to .txt.


  • Note that Date fields are not yet supported.
  • Note that passwords can only be imported as plain text, and will be converted to MD5 by Backdrop.
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