Minishell is simple shell with similar behaviours as bash.
Following builtins were self made: echo
, cd
, pwd
, export
, unset
, env
and exit
; while other calls are made via execve
and path lookup.
, "
, ;
, |
, >
, >>
, $?
, ctrl+C
, ctrl+D
, ctrl+\
- Processes
- Fork, wait, exec functions
- Dup & FD handling
- Pipes
- Parsing
- Errno & strerror
malloc, free, write, open, read, close, fork, wait, waitpid, wait3, wait4, signal, kill, exit, getcwd, chdir, stat, lstat, fstat, execve, dup, dup2, pipe, opendir, readdir, closedir, strerror, errno
Libft: Self-made basic functions of C default libraries.
Printf_fd: Self-made library with similar behaviour as printf with custome file descriptor.
├── Makefile
├── incs
│ ├── builtin.h
│ ├── env.h
│ ├── error.h
│ ├── ft_printf.h
│ ├── libft.h
│ ├── minishell.h
│ ├── parsing.h
│ └── pipe.h
└── src
├── builtins
│ ├── builtins_nametab.c
│ ├── cd.c
│ ├── echo.c
│ ├── env.c
│ ├── exit.c
│ ├── export.c
│ ├── export_2.c
│ ├── export_next.c
│ ├── export_next_2.c
│ ├── pwd.c
│ └── unset.c
├── execs
│ ├── path.c
│ ├── path_2.c
│ ├── reads.c
│ ├── reads_2.c
│ ├── reads_3.c
│ ├── redirections.c
│ ├── redirections2.c
│ └── sort_redir.c
├── ft_printf_fd
│ └── libftprintf.a
├── libft
│ └── libft.a
├── minishell.c
├── parsing
│ ├── append.c
│ ├── cleanup
│ │ ├── cleanup.c
│ │ ├── cleanup_bs_quote.c
│ │ ├── cleanup_gret.c
│ │ └── cleanup_var.c
│ ├── parsing.c
│ └── utils
│ ├── is_funcs
│ │ ├── is_funcs_1.c
│ │ ├── is_funcs_2.c
│ │ └── is_funcs_3.c
│ ├── parsing_utils_1.c
│ └── tools
│ ├── backslash_tools_1.c
│ ├── backslash_tools_2.c
│ ├── gret_tools.c
│ ├── quote_tools.c
│ ├── redir_pipe_tools.c
│ ├── semicolon_tools.c
│ ├── var_tools_1.c
│ └── var_tools_2.c
├── pipe
│ ├── pipe.c
│ ├── pipe2.c
│ ├── pipe3.c
│ └── pipe4.c
└── utils
├── arg.c
├── error.c
├── free.c
├── ft_strncpy.c
├── prints.c
└── semicolon.c
Création d'un minisystème
Exit Codes
Write a shell in C
Single quote vs Double quotes
The projet must conform to 42's norm.
The project cannot leak. All errors must be handled carefully. In no way can the projet quit in an unexpected manner (Segmentation fault, bus error, double free, etc).
Project is therefore check with valgrind and/or fsanitize.