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AgentScript-experimental Repository

This is a repository for the next version of AgentScript 1.0, an es6 module based project.


Developer Documentation is created by docco and is available here Use Jump To menu, top right, to navigate between modules.

Developer Information

To clone a fresh repo, for PRs or your own local verson:

  • cd to where you want the asx/ dir to appear.
  • git clone # create skeleton repo
  • cd asx # go to new repo
  • npm install # install all dev dependencies & runs npm run build
  • open http://<path to asx>/test and check console for messages

All workflow is npm run scripts. See package.json's scripts, or simply run npm run for a list.

The repo has no "derived" files, i.e. won't run by just cloning. To complete the repo, use npm install which refreshes npm dependencies and does a clean build of the repo.

Github Pages

A gh-pages branch is used for the site. It contains the complete master repo, including the derived files. A new page is made from master by:

  • npm run gh-pages

This can be used to run example models and access documentation:

It can also be used as a CDN for all the es6 Modules: well as these modules bundled into a traditional IIFE, see Modules and Bundles below.


ASX has been converted from layers of 2D canvases to a single WebGL canvas, currently managed by Three.js. This is a breaking change, primarily changing subclassing of class Model.

The 'div' used by Model's constructor defaults to document.body, the whole page. In addition, there is a Three parameters object in the constructor, defaulting to that used by the test.html suite.

The conversion of the fire model is an example of the minor changes needed in converting to Three.js.

Modules and Bundles

ASX src/ is entirely es6 Modules based, and the dist/ dir includes both a Rollup generated legacy IIFE global, window.AS, for script users, and the module source for direct native module implementations (Edge, FFox Nightly, iOS Safari and Safari Technology Preview), see the CanIUse page for current browser support.


Our directory layout is:

bin: workflow scripts
dist: AS bundle & es6 modules distribution
docs: docco src documentation
libs: dependencies
models: sample models
src: es6 modules for AS
test: tests of AS modules

Within models and test directories are src/ (es6 modules) and scripts/ (legacy) and an index.html which runs the src/scripts files as a query string/REST. Both index.html files have a default.

There are currently two ways to run a sample model: es6 modules (src/) or legacy scripts (scripts/), the latter runs only in browsers supporting modules (see above):

The default directory is scripts/ for now, but will convert to es6 modules, src/, when widely supported. This url will use the default:

The current sample models are: diffuse, fire, links, turtles


Copyright Owen Densmore, RedfishGroup LLC, 2012-2017
AgentScript may be freely distributed under the GPLv3 license:

AgentScript is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program, see LICENSE within the distribution. If not, see


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