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This library is currently in early access

We are working closely with users for their initial rollouts of backtrace-java. Please reach out to us via your account rep or [email protected] for more details.

Backtrace Java support

Backtrace's integration with Java applications which allows customers to capture and report handled and unhandled java exceptions to their Backtrace instance, instantly offering the ability to prioritize and debug software errors.

Build Status

Features Summary

  • Light-weight Java client library that quickly submits exceptions to your Backtrace dashboard. Can include callstack, system metadata, custom metadata and file attachments if needed.
  • Supports offline database for error report storage and re-submission in case of network outage.
  • Fully customizable and extendable event handlers and base classes for custom implementations.

Installation via Gradle or Maven

  • Gradle
dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.backtrace-labs.backtrace-java:backtrace-java:<latest-version>'
  • Maven

Using Backtrace library

Initialize a new BacktraceClient

First create a BacktraceConfig instance with your Backtrace endpoint URL. This endpoint URL will either be through a central server on standard port 80/443, or directly to your Backtrace instance through a listener on port 6097/6098 (e.g. Either integration will require a submission token to be included in the endpoint

Option 1 - URL format option for creating a BacktraceConfig object. Use the URL to which the report is to be sent, pass URL string as parameter to BacktraceConfig constructor:

BacktraceConfig config = new BacktraceConfig("{yourInstance}/{token}/json");
BacktraceClient backtraceClient = new BacktraceClient(config);

Option 2 - https://.sp, format for creating BacktraceCredentials object. Pass in both your instance submission URL and token as parameters of the BacktraceConfig constructor:


BacktraceConfig config = new BacktraceConfig("https://<yourInstance>", "<submissionToken>");
BacktraceClient backtraceClient = new BacktraceClient(config);

Setting application name and version

In order to easily distinguish which errors belong to which application it is recommended to set the application version and its name. This data will be sent as attributes to the Backtrace console.

backtraceClient.setApplicationName("Backtrace Demo");


By default, BacktraceClient stores error reports to the local disk using BacktraceDatabase. Each report is serialized and stored in separate file in database directory.

Disabling database

If you don't want to use local file database, you can disable that.


If the database is disabled, you can enable it.


Max database size

You can set a maximum database size in bytes, by default size is unlimited. If the database size reaches the limit, the oldest error reports will be deleted.


Max record count

If a limit is set, the oldest error reports will be deleted if there will be try to exceed the limit.


Max retry limit

The retry limit specifies the number of times BacktraceClient will try to send the error report again if sending will finished with fail.


Enabling gathering information about all threads

By default library gathering stacktrace and other information only from thread in which caused exception. If you want to change that behavior and gather information about all running threads, execute:


Sending an error report

Method BacktraceClient.send will send an error report to the Backtrace endpoint specified. There send method is overloaded, see examples below:

Using BacktraceReport

The BacktraceReport class represents a single error report. (Optional) You can also submit custom attributes using the attributes parameter. You can also pass list of file paths to files which will be send to API in attachmentPaths parameter.

try {
    // throw exception here
} catch (Exception e) {
    BacktraceReport report = new BacktraceReport(e, 
    new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
        put("key", "value");
    }}, new ArrayList<String>() {{

Asynchronous send support

Method send behind the mask use dedicated thread which sending report to server. You can specify the method that should be performed after completion.

client.send(report, new OnServerResponseEvent() {
    public void onEvent(BacktraceResult backtraceResult) {
        // process result here

Method await of BacktraceClient allows to block current thread until all passed reports will be sent, as a parameter you can optionally set the maximum time you want to wait for an answer.

backtraceClient.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

Other BacktraceReport overloads

BacktraceClient can also automatically create BacktraceReport given an exception or a custom message using the following overloads of the BacktraceClient.send method:


try {
  // throw exception here
} catch (Exception exception) {

  backtraceClient.send(new BacktraceReport(exception));
  // pass exception to send method
  // pass your custom message to send method

System Metadata

The following system metadata is associated to a BacktraceReport

  • system global environment variables
  • number of cpu cores
  • OS name and version
  • hostname (if possible)
  • memory_total - total amount of memory in the Java virtual machine
  • memory_max - maximum amount of memory that the Java virtual machine will attempt to use
  • memory-free - free memory in the Java Virtual Machine

Attaching custom event handlers

All events are written in listener pattern. BacktraceClient allows you to attach your custom event handlers. For example, you can trigger actions before the send method:

backtraceClient.setBeforeSendEvent(new BeforeSendEvent() {
        public BacktraceData onEvent(BacktraceData data) {
            // another code
            return data;

BacktraceClient currently supports the following events:

  • BeforeSend
  • RequestHandler

Reporting unhandled application exceptions

BacktraceClient supports reporting of unhandled application exceptions not captured by your try-catch blocks. To enable reporting of unhandled exceptions run the code below.




BacktraceReport is a class that describe a single error report. Contains attributes, message, exception stack and paths to attachments.


BacktraceClient is a class that allows you to instantiate a client instance that interacts with Backtrace. This class sets up connection to the Backtrace endpoint and manages error reporting behavior. It also prepares error report, gather device attributes and add to queue from which special thread gets report and sends to Backtrace. This class also allows to enable UncaughtExceptionsHandler or set custom events.

if you want to safely close all resources used by the this library, execute close method. This method will do this after processing last message in queue:



BacktraceData is a serializable class that holds the data to create a diagnostic JSON to be sent to the Backtrace endpoint . You can add additional pre-processors for BacktraceData by attaching an event handler to the BacktraceClient.setBeforeSendEvent(event) event. BacktraceData require BacktraceReport and BacktraceClient client attributes.


BacktraceResult is a class that holds response and result from a send method call. The class contains a status property that indicates whether the call was completed (OK), the call returned with an error (ServerError). Additionally, the class has a message property that contains details about the status.