This is a version of FIRM that was created with the goal of being easier to use for the general user. The FIRM pipeline is made available through a single command line command.
Python 3.10 and MacOS X: Multiprocessing issue with shared memory can lead to unexpected results. If you experience unxepected errors please try Python 3.9
A Docker image weiju/isb-firm
with preinstalled FIRM is available on Docker Hub.
$ docker pull weiju/isb-firm
$ docker run -i -t weiju/isb-firm /bin/bash
$ cd home/firm-example
$ firm exp out
After the run you can compare the results in the out directory with the files in the archive firm2-out-20220909.tar.gz
They should be identical.
Install the firm from here:
$ pip install firm
FIRM relies on a customized version of Weeder 1.4.2 that is included in the project source code.
Obtain the weeder-1.4.3.tar.gz from
which is distributed as a autoconf project, so you can use the common
configure / make / make install
sequence to install the Weeder suite.
$ firm -h
usage: firm [-h] [-ue] [-t TMPDIR] expdir outdir
firm - Run FIRM pipeline
positional arguments:
expdir expression input directory
outdir output directory
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-ue, --use_entrez input file uses entrez IDs instead of RefSeq
-t TMPDIR, --tmpdir TMPDIR
temporary directory
Typically the firm pipeline will expect an input directory ("expdir") and an output directory. The input directory should contain one or more tab-separated files with the suffix ".sgn"
Their format should be
<Gene identifier><Tab><Group number>
<Gene identifier><Tab><Group number>
The -ue / --use_entrez switch is used if the input gene identifiers are in Entrez format, otherwise Refseq is used by default.
Pipeline Stages
The FIRM pipeline consists of 3 stages:
- Motif discovery: Based on the genes contained in the input clusters, finds common motifs using Weeder
- miRNA discovery: Tries to find miRNAs from using miRvestigator an HMM (Hidden-Markov-Model) based approach
- Matching with prediction databases: This step tries to find the miRNAs obtained in step 2 within target prediction databases, and provides a score. By default this will be PITA and TargetScan.
This is a tool to convert MINER regulon files in JSON format to FIRMs expected input format.
$ firm-convertminer -h
usage: firm-convertminer [-h] regulons mappings outdir
firm-convertminer - convert MINER input files to a FIRM input directory
positional arguments:
regulons regulons file (JSON format)
mappings mappings file
outdir output directory
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
For this example, we will use the data in this projects "exp" directory. It looks like this
and the contents of the "AD_Lung_Beer.sgn" file is:
Gene Group
NM_000014 32
NM_000015 23
NM_000016 6
NM_000017 10
NM_000018 56
The first column of the input files are gene identifiers and the second column contain the regulon/cluster numbers.
Assuming FIRM has been successfully installed on the user's system the pipeline can be run by
$ firm exp example-out
This command runs all stages of the pipeline, which can take a few hours. The final and intermediate results will be found in the "example-out" directory after successfully running the pipeline.
$ ls example-out
combinedResults.csv filtered_TargetScan.csv mergedResults_PITA.csv miRNA seqs.txt
filtered_PITA.csv m2m_standalone.pkl mergedResults_TargetScan.csv pssms.json
The combinedResults.csv file is the most important file of the pipeline output.
For our example data set it would look something like this:
AD_Lung_Beer,31,hsa-miR-29a-3p_hsa-miR-29b-3p_hsa-miR-29c-3p,8mer,MIMAT0000086 MIMAT0000100 MIMAT0000681,hsa-mir-29 hsa-mir-29 hsa-mir-29b,0.2222222222222222,5.801169e-06,,hsa-mir-29b,0.12658227848101267,1.594762e-06,
You can download the reference result set at
to compare the output.