I'm a silver-lining specialist with more than 20 years of experience in planning, designing, developing, delivering, and maintaining information products for a variety of audiences and purposes.
My specialty is presenting complex ideas in ways that are clear and concise. My superpowers include asking the right questions, landing awesome jobs at terrific companies, and introducing you to people you want to know.
⛓️ Create content to attract and onboard product and blockchain developers.
⌨️ Joyously craft and maintain structured, user-focused technical content that enables users to achieve their goals.
⚒️ Work in various content source formats to develop a wide variety of content that answers questions and solves business problems.
🏷️ Use well-defined GitHub issues and discussions to collaborate, plan, track, and trigger documentation and content strategy tasks.
❇️ Always strive to improve products and processes. Share widely, like this handy collection of online technical writing style guides.
👋 Use Slack, Telegram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Discord, Signal, and just about any tool that makes sense to keep in touch and build relationships with colleagues, community members, and documentarians near and far.
📌 Manage knowledge, collaborate for the greater good, and share ideas.
🌎 Work with brilliant and amazing people around the globe who innovate, collaborate, and celebrate.
🔆 Attract amazing people into my life who inspire me to be a better person.
💡 Learn something new every day.
🍅 Grow and cook healthy food. I love my Instant Pot. I don't play favorites, I love all three of my Instant Pots. I grow herbs and salad greens in my Tower Garden all year round.
🍀 Tend my garden of perennial optimism.
🌅 Watch birds and sunrises.
My professional work experience is on LinkedIn. Who can I introduce you to?
A remote worker since 2007, I mostly work from my home office in southeast Florida, USA.
“I am still determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I may find myself; for I have also learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances.” by Martha Washington