This language model has the capability to identify political dissidents from a large dataset comprised of responses to surveys like the "Grand Debat" conducted in France in 2019.
The model has been trained on approximately 1000 examples extracted from the Grand Debat. These examples were labeled by three authentic dictators (Amir, Charles-Henri, Moindze) according to the predefined guidelines mentioned in the annotation document.
Create a virtual environment in .venv at the root of the project
poetry install
from dissidentia.domain.model_wrapper import DissidentModelWrapper
# model BertClassifier is supposed to be already trained and saved (See "Train" section)
model = DissidentModelWrapper.load("BertTypeClassifier").model
model.predict(["Bravo à nos dirigeants pour cet excellent travail !!.",
"Ce gouvernement est vraiment nul!",
"Tous des pourris. Démission !!"])
array([False, True, True])
Given a pretrained model, named nameModel.pkl and saved in the data/models directory, you can launch the application as follow:
streamlit run dissidentia/application/ BertTypeClassifier
# For a demo with a faster interpretability use baselineModel
streamlit run dissidentia/application/ baselineModel
The train could be computed with the following commande line:
python dissidentia/application/
We annotated the dataset through Quantmetry doccano's platform (
To use a training set directly from doccano platform, you need to set the 2 environments variables DOCCANO_LOGIN, DOCCANO_PASSWORD. Then use the -doccano option in command line.
python dissidentia/application/ --doccano
A scikit-learn wrapper to fine-tuning Bert type model using huggingface Trainer API for dissidentIA detection is proposed and can be used as follow:
from dissidentia.domain.sklearn_bert_wrapper import BertTypeClassifier
# define model with default parameters
model = BertTypeClassifier(val_dataset=(x_val, y_val))
# fine-tuning model, y_train)
# make predictions
y_pred = model.predict(x_test)
# make probabilty predictions
y_pred = model.predict_proba(x_test)
# evaluate model on val_dataset for different metrics
# save model
# load model
new_model = model.load(save_path)
# unit tests
# test camembert model fit/predict/save/load methods on few samples
pytest -o python_functions="camembert_*" -s
The algorithm has been analyzed with Giskard (
Amir, Moindzé, Charles
Thanks Benoit Lebreton for the doccano platform