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A base project

Portfolio/Showroom enable artists and scientists to announce, store and publish their own work and to exchange ideas with colleagues.

Project Setup

git is required on the system

# clone the git repository
git clone

Also check and if necessary adapt the configuration:

# switch into the project folder
cd portfolio-frontend

# create a local copy of your environment variables
cp .env .env.local

# use your favourite text editor to inspect and adapt the config file 
nano .env.local

# if you would like to adapt the default values for drop down lists (in the respective form fields) 
# also create a local copy of default lists
cp config/default_lists-skel.json config/default_lists.json
# and edit the lists
nano config/default_lists.json

For details on configuration options see the config section.

Production Setup

git and docker are required on the system

# build the project
make build-app

Development Setup

git and npm (node) is required on the system

# install dependencies
npm install

#in case you are running the app for the first time you need to set the header component url via
gulp set-header

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev

# build for production with minification
npm run build

# the built application available in dist folder can be served from a webserver or to test (inkl. build), run:
npm run build:test
# and visit your site at http://localhost:5000

# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build:analyze

# run linter on project files with autofix enabled
npm run lint

Configuration of the Portfolio App

The configuration of your project can be done with environment variables specified in .env files.

Configurable values:

In the .env file contained in the project folder the following variables can be set:

Variable Description
VUE_APP_TITLE the name of the app, used to set title tag
VUE_APP_BACKEND_API_PATH path to the backend rest api (database requests)
VUE_APP_BACKEND_PREFIX a prefix for the backend
VUE_APP_HEADER_URL_TERMS to link to terms and conditions
VUE_APP_HEADER_URL_NOTICE to link to site legal notice
VUE_APP_HEADER_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL url to redirect after logout
VUE_APP_HEADER_JSON json file url where the latest header version is specified
VUE_APP_HEADER the complete header url, no need to set manually (will be overwritten!), can be set via gulp set-header (but is run automatically on project start up as well)
VUE_APP_PREFIX the desired prefix of the application
VUE_APP_LANG_URL the Skosmos uri of the languages project (unless you have a separate skosmos project no need to modify from default )
VUE_APP_LOCALES available locales
VUE_APP_DEFAULT_LOCALE a default language if one should be set (else the browser language will be used)
VUE_APP_EN_TITLE_CASING as per default with locale set to english, all text except complete sentences will be title-cased. Set false to turn this behaviour off.
VUE_DEFAULT_LISTS Please dont edit this value directly but via default_lists.json in the /config folder. It contains all default values for customizable drop down lists - this is set via gulp set-default-lists (run automatically on project start up). As per default the JSON file contains:

CONTRIBUTORS_DEFAULT*: a default displayed for all contributor fields (Contributors and Roles (e.g. authors, architects)

LOCATION_DEFAULT*: a default displayed for the location input field

required attributes for each default entry: label, optional: source, additional
VUE_APP_ARCHIVE_UPLOAD Enables or disables long-term archival of assets in the application. When this variable is set to true, the "Push to Archive" button becomes available in the attachment area of an entry.
VUE_APP_SHOWROOM_URL url to showroom page
VUE_APP_BASE_UI_ICONS url to icons spriteSheet (base-ui-icons.svg)
VUE_APP_PRIMO_IMPORTER enable/disable the PRIMO Library Importer

(*if there are any other dynamic autocomplete fields in the future, defaults can be added as {backend property name}_DEFAULT as well)

For Development:

  • As per default there is one .env file in the project folder where a local copy .env.local should be created. In case you need development and production specific values the file could be copied to create new files .env.development.local and env.production.local which will overwrite the default .env.local file.

  • For further details on the use of environmental variables in this App also refer to the Vue-CLI documentation.

This project uses conventional commits. More detailed information and documentation is available here.