Schema for the WPILib WebSocket extension
The schema is defined using the AsyncAPI style and is located in the schema
The Markdown Output of what is on master can be found here
The HTML Output of what is on master can be found here
The WPILib HALSim Extension acts as a WebSocket client and communicates with an endpoint that runs a WebSocket server.
Messages are exchanged via JSON objects following the structure:
"type": <string>,
"device": <string>,
"data": <object>
The type
string will be the type of device (e.g. DIO, AnalogIn, PWM, etc) and device
represents a device identifier (usually the channel number).
To generate the documentation, run the following from the schema
ag ./wpilib-ws.yaml @asyncapi/html-template -o ../html
- Markdown:
ag ./wpilib-ws.yaml @asyncapi/markdown-template -o ../md
- System messages? e.g. enable/disable, heartbeat, reset