This installs the infra locally using containers.
Download the docker-compose.yml
git clone
cd building-blocks
Start the containers
docker-compose -f docker/develop.yaml up -d
Initial Setup
Command will result in following output
Setting Up Authorization Server and Infrastructure Console
Creating Clients
Setup Identity Provider
Setup Communication Server
Update auth server settings for Example Inc.
Visit Admin URL http://admin.localhost:4220
Login using email '[email protected]' or phone '+919876543210'
Use the password configured during setup wizard, default password Secret@1234
URLs :
Authorization Server http://accounts.localhost:4210
Communication Server http://connect.localhost:4100
Identity Provider http://myaccount.localhost:4420
Tear down
docker-compose -f docker/develop.yaml stop
docker-compose -f docker/develop.yaml rm
# Caution: clean volumes of all removed containers!
docker volume prune -f