Time reporting and invoice generation tool specialized for the IT consultant. This project utilizes H2 database for DEV and Postgres database for PROD, Spring Boot. Angular 6 was used as front end framework, but due to licensing issues, it is kept in private repository.
Application DB is initialized with Liquibase on startup, based on the profile (dev or prod). Since the project uses Querydsl it is necessary to compile the application in the maven to get Q* objects that are used for filtering data. Template if hardcoded for the current time. Two templates are available in /data directory.
Before running the app, create DB manually and create schema named INOVICE.
Environment variables: INVOICE_DB_LOCATION=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/;JASYPT_PWD=
Copyright 2019 Branislav Cavlin. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").