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CNV: support background inputs for CNVkit, GATK4 CNV and seq2c
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- Allow pre-computed panel of normals for tumor-only or single sample CNV
  calling for all methods
- CNVkit background preparation fixes for correctly setting target and
  antitarget without overlaps.
- GATK4 CNV extraction of BED regions from panel of normals.
- seq2c support for a panel of normals with combined mapping and coverage
  inputs from the background.
  • Loading branch information
chapmanb committed Dec 13, 2018
1 parent 1daf8e1 commit be17357
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Showing 8 changed files with 116 additions and 22 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
## 1.1.3 (in progress)

- CNV: support background inputs for CNVkit, GATK4 CNV and seq2c. Allows
pre-computed panel of normals for tumor-only or single sample CNV calling.

## 1.1.2 (12 December 2018)

- VarDict low frequency somatic filters: generalize strand and mismatch based
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6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion bcbio/pipeline/
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"realign": {"keys": ['config', 'algorithm', 'realign'], "default": False},
"ensemble": {"keys": ["config", "algorithm", "ensemble"], "default": {}},
"background_variant": {"keys": ["config", "algorithm", "background", "variant"]},
"background_cnv_reference": {"keys": ["config", "algorithm", "background", "cnv_reference"]},
"peakcaller": {"keys": ['config', 'algorithm', 'peakcaller'], "default": []},
"chip_method": {"keys": ['config', 'algorithm', 'chip_method'], "default": "chip"},
"spikein_counts": {"keys": ["spikein_counts"]},
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -203,6 +202,11 @@
"cwl_reporting": {"keys": ["config", "algorithm", "cwl_reporting"]},

def get_background_cnv_reference(data, caller):
out = tz.get_in(["config", "algorithm", "background", "cnv_reference"], data)
if out:
return out.get(caller) if isinstance(out, dict) else out

def get_batches(data):
batches = get_batch(data)
if batches:
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8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion bcbio/pipeline/
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Expand Up @@ -377,7 +377,13 @@ def _clean_background(data):
elif isinstance(val, dict):
for k, v in val.items():
if k in allowed_keys:
out[k] = _file_to_abs(v, [os.getcwd()])
if isinstance(v, basestring):
out[k] = _file_to_abs(v, [os.getcwd()])
assert isinstance(v, dict)
for ik, iv in v.items():
v[ik] = _file_to_abs(iv, [os.getcwd()])
out[k] = v
errors.append("Unexpected key: %s" % k)
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Expand Up @@ -459,7 +459,12 @@ def targets_w_bins(cnv_file, access_file, target_anti_fn, work_dir, data):
if not os.path.exists(anti_file):
_, anti_bin = target_anti_fn()
with file_transaction(data, anti_file) as tx_out_file:
cmd = [_get_cmd(), "antitarget", "-g", access_file, cnv_file, "-o", tx_out_file,
# Create access file without targets to avoid overlap
# antitarget in cnvkit is meant to do this but appears to not always happen
# after chromosome 1
tx_access_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(tx_out_file), os.path.basename(access_file))
cmd = [_get_cmd(), "antitarget", "-g", tx_access_file, cnv_file, "-o", tx_out_file,
"--avg-size", str(anti_bin)], tx_out_file), "CNVkit antitarget")
return target_file, anti_file
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20 changes: 19 additions & 1 deletion bcbio/structural/
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Expand Up @@ -148,6 +148,23 @@ def create_panel_of_normals(items, group_id, work_dir):
_run_with_memory_scaling(params, tx_out_file, items[0])
return out_file

def pon_to_bed(pon_file, out_dir, data):
"""Extract BED intervals from a GATK4 hdf5 panel of normal file.
out_file = os.path.join(out_dir, "%s-intervals.bed" % (utils.splitext_plus(os.path.basename(pon_file))[0]))
if not utils.file_uptodate(out_file, pon_file):
import h5py
with file_transaction(data, out_file) as tx_out_file:
with h5py.File(pon_file, "r") as f:
with open(tx_out_file, "w") as out_handle:
intervals = f["original_data"]["intervals"]
for i in range(len(intervals["transposed_index_start_end"][0])):
chrom = intervals["indexed_contig_names"][intervals["transposed_index_start_end"][0][i]]
start = int(intervals["transposed_index_start_end"][1][i]) - 1
end = int(intervals["transposed_index_start_end"][2][i])
out_handle.write("%s\t%s\t%s\n" % (chrom, start, end))
return out_file

def prepare_intervals(data, region_file, work_dir):
"""Prepare interval regions for targeted and gene based regions.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -298,12 +315,13 @@ def _seg_to_vcf(vals):
"""Convert GATK CNV calls seg output to a VCF line.
call_to_cn = {"+": 3, "-": 1}
call_to_type = {"+": "<DUP>", "-": "<DEL>"}
if vals["CALL"] not in ["0"]:
info = ["FOLD_CHANGE_LOG=%s" % vals["MEAN_LOG2_COPY_RATIO"],
"END=%s" % vals["END"],
"CN=%s" % call_to_cn[vals["CALL"]]]
return [vals["CONTIG"], vals["START"], ".", "N", "<CNV>", ".",
return [vals["CONTIG"], vals["START"], ".", "N", call_to_type[vals["CALL"]], ".",
";".join(info), "GT", "0/1"]

def _sv_workdir(data):
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26 changes: 18 additions & 8 deletions bcbio/structural/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -60,16 +60,19 @@ def calculate_sv_bins(*items):
def _calculate_sv_bins_gatk(data, cnv_group, size_calc_fn):
"""Calculate structural variant bins using GATK4 CNV callers region or even intervals approach.
target_bed = gatkcnv.prepare_intervals(data, cnv_group.region_file, cnv_group.work_dir)
if dd.get_background_cnv_reference(data, "gatk-cnv"):
target_bed = gatkcnv.pon_to_bed(dd.get_background_cnv_reference(data, "gatk-cnv"), cnv_group.work_dir, data)
target_bed = gatkcnv.prepare_intervals(data, cnv_group.region_file, cnv_group.work_dir)
gc_annotated_tsv = gatkcnv.annotate_intervals(target_bed, data)
return target_bed, None, gc_annotated_tsv

def _calculate_sv_bins_cnvkit(data, cnv_group, size_calc_fn):
"""Calculate structural variant bins using target/anti-target approach from CNVkit.
from bcbio.structural import cnvkit
if dd.get_background_cnv_reference(data):
target_bed, anti_bed = cnvkit.targets_from_background(dd.get_background_cnv_reference(data),
if dd.get_background_cnv_reference(data, "cnvkit"):
target_bed, anti_bed = cnvkit.targets_from_background(dd.get_background_cnv_reference(data, "cnvkit"),
cnv_group.work_dir, data)
target_bed, anti_bed = cnvkit.targets_w_bins(cnv_group.region_file, cnv_group.access_file,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -208,9 +211,8 @@ def _calculate_sv_coverage_cnvkit(data, work_dir):
target_cov = coverage.run_mosdepth(data, "target", tz.get_in(["regions", "bins", "target"], data))
anti_cov = coverage.run_mosdepth(data, "antitarget", tz.get_in(["regions", "bins", "antitarget"], data))
target_cov_genes = annotate.add_genes(target_cov.regions, data, max_distance=0)
anti_cov_genes = annotate.add_genes(anti_cov.regions, data, max_distance=0)
out_target_file = _add_log2_depth(target_cov_genes, out_target_file, data)
out_anti_file = _add_log2_depth(anti_cov_genes, out_anti_file, data)
out_anti_file = _add_log2_depth(anti_cov.regions, out_anti_file, data)
return out_target_file, out_anti_file

def _add_log2_depth(in_file, out_file, data):
Expand All @@ -228,7 +230,7 @@ def _add_log2_depth(in_file, out_file, data):
# Handle inputs unannotated with gene names
if len(parts) == 5:
chrom, start, end, orig_name, depth = parts
gene_name = "."
gene_name = orig_name if (orig_name in ["Antitarget", "Background"]) else "."
assert len(parts) == 6, parts
chrom, start, end, orig_name, depth, gene_name = parts
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -270,7 +272,15 @@ def normalize_sv_coverage(*items):
def _normalize_sv_coverage_gatk(group_id, inputs, backgrounds, work_dir, back_files, out_files):
"""Normalize CNV coverage using panel of normals with GATK's de-noise approaches.
pon = gatkcnv.create_panel_of_normals(backgrounds, group_id, work_dir) if backgrounds else None
input_backs = set(filter(lambda x: x is not None,
[dd.get_background_cnv_reference(d, "gatk-cnv") for d in inputs]))
if input_backs:
assert len(input_backs) == 1, "Multiple backgrounds in group: %s" % list(input_backs)
pon = list(input_backs)[0]
elif backgrounds:
pon = gatkcnv.create_panel_of_normals(backgrounds, group_id, work_dir)
pon = None
for data in inputs:
work_dir = utils.safe_makedir(os.path.join(dd.get_work_dir(data), "structural",
dd.get_sample_name(data), "bins"))
Expand All @@ -295,7 +305,7 @@ def _normalize_sv_coverage_cnvkit(group_id, inputs, backgrounds, work_dir, back_
target_bed = tz.get_in(["depth", "bins", "target"], d)
antitarget_bed = tz.get_in(["depth", "bins", "antitarget"], d)
input_backs = set(filter(lambda x: x is not None,
[dd.get_background_cnv_reference(d) for d in inputs]))
[dd.get_background_cnv_reference(d, "cnvkit") for d in inputs]))
if input_backs:
assert len(input_backs) == 1, "Multiple backgrounds in group: %s" % list(input_backs)
back_file = list(input_backs)[0]
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Expand Up @@ -61,18 +61,28 @@ def run(items):
items = [utils.to_single_data(x) for x in items]
work_dir = _sv_workdir(items[0])

coverage_file = _combine_coverages(items, work_dir)
read_mapping_file = _calculate_mapping_reads(items, work_dir)

normal_names = [dd.get_sample_name(x) for x in items if population.get_affected_status(x) == 1]
input_backs = list(set(filter(lambda x: x is not None,
[dd.get_background_cnv_reference(d, "seq2c") for d in items])))
coverage_file = _combine_coverages(items, work_dir, input_backs)
read_mapping_file = _calculate_mapping_reads(items, work_dir, input_backs)
normal_names = []
if input_backs:
with open(input_backs[0]) as in_handle:
for line in in_handle:
if len(line.split()) == 2:
normal_names += [dd.get_sample_name(x) for x in items if population.get_affected_status(x) == 1]
seq2c_calls_file = _call_cnv(items, work_dir, read_mapping_file, coverage_file, normal_names)
items = _split_cnv(items, seq2c_calls_file, read_mapping_file, coverage_file)
return items

def prep_seq2c_bed(data):
"""Selecting the bed file, cleaning, and properly annotating for Seq2C
bed_file = regions.get_sv_bed(data)
if dd.get_background_cnv_reference(data, "seq2c"):
bed_file = _background_to_bed(dd.get_background_cnv_reference(data, "seq2c"), data)
bed_file = regions.get_sv_bed(data)
if bed_file:
bed_file = bedutils.clean_file(bed_file, data, prefix="svregions-")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -103,6 +113,26 @@ def prep_seq2c_bed(data):

return ready_file

def _background_to_bed(back_file, data):
"""Convert a seq2c background file with calls into BED regions for coverage.
seq2c background files are a concatenation of mapping and sample_coverages from
potentially multiple samples. We use the coverage information from the first
sample to translate into BED.
out_file = os.path.join(utils.safe_makedir(os.path.join(dd.get_work_dir(data), "bedprep")),
"%s-regions.bed" % utils.splitext_plus(os.path.basename(back_file))[0])
if not utils.file_exists(out_file):
with file_transaction(data, out_file) as tx_out_file:
with open(back_file) as in_handle:
with open(tx_out_file, "w") as out_handle:
sample = in_handle.readline().split("\t")[0]
for line in in_handle:
if line.startswith(sample) and len(line.split()) >= 5:
_, gene, chrom, start, end = line.split()[:5]
out_handle.write("%s\n" % ("\t".join([chrom, str(int(start) - 1), end, gene])))
return out_file

def _get_seq2c_options(data):
"""Get adjustable, through resources, or default options for seq2c.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -135,7 +165,7 @@ def _call_cnv(items, work_dir, read_mapping_file, coverage_file, control_sample_
with file_transaction(items[0], output_fpath) as tx_out_file:
export = utils.local_path_export()
cmd = ("{export} {cov2lr} -a {cov2lr_opt} {read_mapping_file} {coverage_file} | " +
"{lr2gene} {lr2gene_opt} > {output_fpath}")
"{lr2gene} {lr2gene_opt} > {tx_out_file}")**locals()), "Seq2C CNV calling")
return output_fpath

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -268,8 +298,10 @@ def _depth_to_seq2cov(input_fpath, output_fpath, sample_name):
out.write('\t'.join(fs) + '\n')
return output_fpath

def _combine_coverages(items, work_dir):
def _combine_coverages(items, work_dir, input_backs=None):
"""Combine coverage cnns calculated for individual inputs into single file.
Optionally moves over pre-calculated coverage samples from a background file.
out_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "sample_coverages.txt")
if not utils.file_exists(out_file):
Expand All @@ -282,10 +314,18 @@ def _combine_coverages(items, work_dir):
cov_file = svouts[0]["coverage"]
with open(cov_file) as cov_f:
if input_backs:
for input_back in input_backs:
with open(input_back) as in_handle:
for line in in_handle:
if len(line.split()) >= 4:
return out_file

def _calculate_mapping_reads(items, work_dir):
def _calculate_mapping_reads(items, work_dir, input_backs=None):
"""Calculate read counts from samtools idxstats for each sample.
Optionally moves over pre-calculated mapping counts from a background file.
out_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "mapping_reads.txt")
if not utils.file_exists(out_file):
Expand All @@ -299,7 +339,13 @@ def _calculate_mapping_reads(items, work_dir):
lines.append("%s\t%s" % (dd.get_sample_name(data), count))
with file_transaction(items[0], out_file) as tx_out_file:
with open(tx_out_file, "w") as out_handle:
out_handle.write("\n".join(lines) + "\n")
if input_backs:
for input_back in input_backs:
with open(input_back) as in_handle:
for line in in_handle:
if len(line.split()) == 2:
return out_file

# def _count_mapped_reads(data, work_dir, bed_file, bam_file):
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
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import os
from setuptools import setup, find_packages

version = "1.1.2"
version = "1.1.3a0"

def write_version_py():
version_py = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'bcbio', 'pipeline',
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