Version 3.0.1
- [755cee7] Merge pull request #1221 from bcgov/test
- [5959497] Merge pull request #1220 from bcgov/dev
- [7fa55ad] remove additional logging in KeycloakGroupService
- [b8628d0] Update gateway ID validation error message
- [5055584] Transform dataset contacts to string (#1218)
- [b6d32fa] Merge pull request #1215 from bcgov/feature/node-upgrade
- [39c30d4] Revert "Avoid socket hangup: enhance Keycloak auth in group service with retry logic; improve error handling in namespace service login"
- [5fca87f] fix for click on gateway error (#1217)
- [5e8d9c0] update sonar scan action in sonar GHA workflow
- [ed30e19] Revert change
- [46e23ad] Try different redirect to detail page from list page
- [47d3f00] Trigger E2E tests on PRs to
- [0f1d356] Refactor GitHub Actions workflow for Cypress E2E tests
- [e8a4060] Merge pull request #1211 from bcgov/scan/node-upgrade
- [cf0fc04] upgrade upload-sarif for trivy, try fixing output path for anchore
- [cb4b85d] enable astra scan
- [406337b] ensure subsequent steps are run in aps-cypress-e2e GHA
- [231a4cd] upgrade node-fetch
- [ebf6f2b] Update error message for Gateway ID validation
- [dab5b6d] Change regex validation in utils.ts to use assert.ok
- [b95c0a3] fix error msg for generate-config service validation
- [23932d8] disable migrate user tests
- [1eed10b] add data_plane_config for gwa api
- [00bc2d0] use ubuntu-latest, gwa-api v1.0.40
- [5b04995] peg ubuntu version for GHA runner, stream all cypress logs
- [f472539] modify show cypress progress
- [3075f09] bump cli version in tests
- [afea353] Enhance Cypress E2E test logging in GitHub Actions workflow; added current test progress
- [e964a72] Avoid socket hangup: enhance Keycloak auth in group service with retry logic; improve error handling in namespace service login
- [3c4c009] Update Node.js engine requirement in package.json to support versions 22.x
- [091b77e] update ns --> gw in API endpoint names and descriptions
- [cc306eb] adjust PR reminder timing
- [184c5f3] update reminder schedule
- [bc59a96] Update Dockerfiles to use Node.js 22
- [e21eafa] Remove deprecated acs-report-enable option from Anchore image scan workflow
- [f3bbbd3] Update GitHub Actions to use CodeQL SARIF upload v3 in image scan workflows
- [1df2aab] Update GitHub Actions to use CodeQL SARIF upload v2 in image scan workflows
- [acb9071] set OS for Jira GHA runner
- [a36e672] add PR review reminders
- [50433c8] fix tests to handle redirect away from your products (#1185)
- [6b4eb86] tweak style for gateway list item hover (#1184)