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Docker Setup

Matthew Logan edited this page Nov 7, 2024 · 3 revisions

Getting started


InvasivesBC is Equipped with Docker images to run in local environments. Here is a few small steps to get containers running locally

Docker Desktop images

[ Fig 1. Docker images running ]

Populating .env / Running Docker

  1. Copy the sample into a new .env file and populate the values. Some defaults are already assigned to the docker-compose.
  2. In your CLI, run make docker or docker-compose -f docker-compose.local.yml watch from the root folder

Connecting to the Database

  1. Login to PGAdmin from localhost:5050 and login with the default values user: [email protected], pwd: admin.
  2. Create a database connection by going to Object Explorer -> right-click Servers -> Register -> Server.

Fill out the Registration page, as follows

General Settings

[ Fig 2. General Settings]

Connection settings

[ Fig 3. Connection Settings ]

You should now be connected to your database. If issues persist, cross reference your .env file.

Settings up your App Access

  1. From the Server list in PGAdmin, go to Servers -> {Connection Name} -> Databases -> invasivesbc -> tables -> right-click user_role -> View/Edit Data -> All Rows
  2. Find the row with role_id: 18, change its value to an unused value and save.
  3. Find role_description Master Administrator change its role_id to 18 and save.
  4. Go to localhost:3000, sign-in using your IDIR then Request Access


[ Fig 4. Request Access ]

  1. Populate the fields and submit your request.
  2. Return to your PGAdmin instance.
  3. From the table access_request, set column status to APPROVED, save.
Status column approved

[ Fig 5. Status column set to APPROVED ]

  1. Go to table application_user, set activation_status to 1, save.
Activation_status column

[ Fig 6. activation_status column set to 1 ]

  1. Go to table user_access, add a new row with the following values, save.
Activation_status column

[ Fig 7. New user_access row]

Your Docker containers are now setup and you can continue using the application!

Application Tools:

App Caching Mechanisms

Developer Tools:

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