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GPS Draw Tool

Matthew Logan edited this page Aug 15, 2024 · 4 revisions


This document outlines core functionality of the Map drawing tool that leverages the Users GPS To create GeoShapes. The tool currently supports workflows for Polygons and LineStrings.

  title: Sequence Diagram for GPS Draw Tool
    actor User
    participant Frontend
    participant Redux
    participant Callback
User->>Frontend: User Selects draw me tool
Frontend->>Redux: Dispatch Action Fired
Redux->>Frontend: new prompt added to Prompt[]
Frontend->>User: User Prompted for GeoShape
User->>Frontend: User Selects LineString
Frontend->>Callback: Callback action performed
Callback->>Redux: Dispatch action fired
Redux->>Frontend: Tracking started
Redux->>Frontend: Alert added to Alert[]
Frontend->>User: User sees tracking has begun
loop While user tracking
  Frontend->>Redux: GPS Fires Update
  Redux->>Frontend: Coordinate appended, UI Updates
User->>Frontend: User Stops Tracking
Frontend->>Redux: Dispatch action fired
Redux->>Redux: Validation Performed
alt is errors
  Redux->>Frontend: Errors pushed to Alert[]
  Frontend->>User: User sees alert errors
  User->>Frontend: User Corrects errors, presses Stop Tracking
  Frontend->>Redux: Dispach Action Fired
Redux->>Frontend: new prompt added to Prompt[]
Frontend->>User: User Prompted for buffer radius
User->>Frontend: User inputs "5 meters"
Frontend->>Callback: Callback Action performed
Callback->>Redux: Dispatch action called
Redux->>Frontend: Shape & UI Updated, Tracking stopped


Core Functionality

  • Shape Selection: Users initiate the drawing process by selecting the Track me Button followed by the Draw Type (Polygon or Linestring) from a prompt

  • GPS Data Collection: Once a shape is chosen, the tool begins collecting the GPS Coordinates, storing them in an array. These coordinates are continuously plotted on the map to provide real-time visual feedback

  • Shape Completion: Users finalize the shape by toggling the draw tool button. The tool then validated the shape based on the selected type. Some checks include:

    • Minimum number of coordinates
    • No intersecting sections
    • Minimum area covered by the shape
  • Shape Editing: Users can edit shapes while on the go my simply selecting the shape on the map. They can adjust points or add new ones.

  • Linestring Buffering: For Linestrings, a post-drawing prompt allows users to add a buffer margin, converting the Linestring into a Polygon

Application Tools:

App Caching Mechanisms

Developer Tools:

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