This release contains all changes since June 20, 2024.
What's Changed
- support name choices delete by @eve-git in #1548
- emailer - fix gcp deployment config by @bolyachevets in #1549
- Remove emailer auth by @bolyachevets in #1550
- Emailer unused vars by @bolyachevets in #1551
- 21921 remove nro schema so reset functionality works consistently by @EPortman in #1552
- 21659-Added Order By Choice when Retrieving a Request Record by @flutistar in #1553
- generate new nr number by @eve-git in #1555
- 21845 NRO Decommision by @eve-git in #1557
- TECH DEBT - Clean up one time jobs from this list in NAMEX API#21903 by @stevenc987 in #1558
- remove colin-api by @eve-git in #1559
- 19608 - bug fix- update auth parameters by @eve-git in #1560
- 19608 Remove COLIN-API -- add debug info by @eve-git in #1561
- 22774 consider 'CONSUMED' state in state transition validation by @eve-git in #1562
- 22774 consume names by @eve-git in #1563
- fix: ensure expiration date is properly formatted by @EPortman in #1564
- 22774 make consume compatible to existing LEAR process by @eve-git in #1565
- 22972 update events service for name-examination display by @eve-git in #1566
- 22774 update events to show the corpNum in consumed transaction by @eve-git in #1567
- Create 2 new API requests for the Home Team #22774 by @stevenc987 in #1568
- Create 2 new API requests for the Home Team #22774 by @stevenc987 in #1569
- Create 2 new API requests for the Home Team #22774 by @stevenc987 in #1570
- #23050 Handle different expiration date format by @eve-git in #1571
- #23059 log a transaction when an NR expired by @eve-git in #1572
- 23059 NR expiry should have a transaction by @eve-git in #1573
- #23243 - NAMEX_API: Error processing MRAS get-profile request by @eve-git in #1574
- NR Duplicates Report Broken on PROD#23431 by @stevenc987 in #1575
- Auth -Search Name Request - Cancelled Name Request should not be selected#19703 by @stevenc987 in #1576
- #23382 add continue-in to entityTypes and mappings by @eve-git in #1604
- #24077 Create file to send to NUANS from NAMEX by @eve-git in #1606
- fix: bump up number of max boolean clauses by @EPortman in #1611
- #24319 Add business info in the business query from COLIN-API in Entities by @eve-git in #1610
- Update Dockerfile pip version by @eve-git in #1613
- 23382 and 24193: updated codes by @severinbeauvais in #1612
- Update Payment Society to match the requirements from home team#24493 by @stevenc987 in #1614
- #24394 add expiration date to events.event_json after the date calculated by @eve-git in #1617
- Update Payment Society to match the requirements from home team#24493 by @stevenc987 in #1618
- 24564 Fixed filing actions lookup for continued in companies by @severinbeauvais in #1619
- #24496 retrieve head office from lear/colin-api by @eve-git in #1620
- SOLR Documentation by @shaangill025 in #1628
- 24849 search endpoint directly queries names db by @EPortman in #1629
- 24849 change request search back to search functionality by @EPortman in #1630
- 24849 search works with name as well by @EPortman in #1631
- 24774 Bad Name Notifier by @eve-git in #1633
- 24774 add logging by @eve-git in #1636
- 24774 Create bad-name-notifier workflow by @eve-git in #1637
- Create workflow bad-name-notifier-CI.yml by @eve-git in #1638
- 24849 firm nrs added to names core only by @EPortman in #1632
- 24225 update emails for new ia with magic link (#1634) by @ozamani9gh in #1639
- cd: update cd name by @EPortman in #1640
- Change cd name by @EPortman in #1641
- cd: update clouddeploy by @EPortman in #1642
- fix service account names by @EPortman in #1643
- 24225 debug emaler by @kzdev420 in #1644
- 24225 update magic_link with debug by @kzdev420 in #1645
- 24225_update_version_namex_api by @kzdev420 in #1646
- 24225_udpate_instruction_group_method by @kzdev420 in #1647
- 24225 update env variables by @kzdev420 in #1648
- 24225_update_debug_code by @kzdev420 in #1649
- 25012_update_email_outputs_debug by @kzdev420 in #1652
- create bad-designation-notifier by @eve-git in #1651
- 25012_emailer_api_debug by @kzdev420 in #1653
- Create sftp-nuans-report-ci.yml by @eve-git in #1616
- 24077 NRO Decommission: Create file to send to NUANS from NAMEX (replaces current process in NAMESP) by @eve-git in #1655
- Create sftp-nuans-report work flows by @eve-git in #1615
- update flask-jwt-oidc package by @EPortman in #1656
- Update flask jwt OIDC deps by @EPortman in #1657
- emailer uses latest version of namex api by @EPortman in #1658
- NRO Decommissioning: Allow user to modify cancel from legacy side#25224 by @stevenc987 in #1661
- disable_won_emails by @kzdev420 in #1663
- NRO Decommissioning: Allow user to modify cancel from legacy side#25224 by @stevenc987 in #1664
- NRO Decommissioning: Allow user to modify cancel from legacy side#25224 by @stevenc987 in #1665
- NRO Decommissioning: Allow user to modify cancel from legacy side#25224 by @stevenc987 in #1666
- NRO Decommissioning: Allow user to modify cancel from legacy side#25224 by @stevenc987 in #1667
- NRO Decommissioning: Allow user to modify cancel from legacy side#25224 by @stevenc987 in #1668
- NRO Decommissioning: Allow user to modify cancel from legacy side#25224 by @stevenc987 in #1669
- NRO Decommissioning: Allow user to modify cancel from legacy side#25224 by @stevenc987 in #1670
- NRO Decommissioning: Allow user to modify cancel from legacy side#25224 by @stevenc987 in #1671
New Contributors
- @severinbeauvais made their first contribution in #1612
- @shaangill025 made their first contribution in #1628
Full Changelog: v1.1.58...v1.2.21