PR2 Visualization Library by Benjamin Cohen (with new features added by Ellis Ratner)
A very easy to use library that allows you to visualize the PR2 robot in Rviz using visualization markers - with one line of code. It also has easy to use functions to visualize all geometric shapes, meshes and text. This library is great for debugging.
PViz relies on the KDL for kinematics which means that TF and Gazebo are not needed.
Note: the master branch is tested working with Groovy (very possible still works in Fuerte)
- visualizeRobot
- visualizeRobotWithTitle
- visualizeGripper
- visualizeTrajectory
- visualizePose
- visualizeSphere
- visualizeCube
- visualizeLine
- visualizeMesh
- visualizeText
- getRobotMarkerMsg
- getRobotMeshesMarkerMsg
- getGripperMeshesMarkerMsg
- getCubeMsg
- publish (overloaded for Marker & MarkerArray)
- deleteVisualizations
(Many of the functions above are overloaded with many different options of parameters to use)
git clone
git clone
rosmake pviz
roslaunch pviz pviz_example.launch
In rviz, change the fixed_frame to "/map" and add a visualization marker display. You can leave the topic in the display as the default.