Hybrid mobile application built using [ionic] (http://ionicframework.com). This application features some of the commonly used mobile UI controls and layouts provided by Ionic. Please follow the steps below to run this application
Install [node.js] (http://nodejs.org)
Install ionic and cordova using the below commands
$ npm install -g cordova
$ npm install -g ionic
If any SSL related issues arise on above npm install commands, run the below ones & then re-run the above commands, else skip this step
$ npm config set strict-ssl false
$ npm config set registry http://registry.npmjs.org
Navigate to the directory where this codebase is cloned/downloaded
$ ionic serve
-- serves the application from a local node server$ ionic serve --lab
-- serves the application with a side by side view for android & ios
To build for android - Building for android requires android SDK & build tools to be pre-installed
- Set the
environment variable $ ionic platform add android
$ ionic build android
- runs a cordova build for android platform$ ionic emulate android
- runs the application in android emulator, this requires Android AVDs be pre-configured$ ionic run android
- runs the application on the device connected via USB
- Set the
To build for ios - Building for ios requires a MAC machine
$ ionic platform add ios
$ ionic build ios
- runs a cordova build for ios$ npm install -g ios-sim
- installs the ios simulator (used by ionic emulate command)$ ionic emulate iOS
- runs the application in ios simulator
To add any plugins for device interaction
$ cordova plugin add <plugin-name>/<plugin-url>
- plugin-url can be a remote url/local machine's folder where the plugin is downloaded