This is a Python client for the Maverick EntityGraph.
Python 3.10+
Activate your virtual environment and run either
for bleeding edge
pip install git+
pip install --upgrade --force git+
(you may need to run pip
with root permission)
for current snapshot release
pip install --extra-index-url entitygraph-client
for current stable release
pip install entitygraph-client
Then import the package:
import entitygraph
import entitygraph as meg
from rdflib import SDO
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to
meg.connect(api_key="...", host="...")
# Fetch an entity from the graph
author: meg.Entity = meg.Entity().get_by_id("...")
# Create a new entity
builder: meg.EntityBuilder =
builder.addValue(SDO.title, "My new publication")
builder.addRelation(, author)
article: meg.Entity =
## Commit entity to graph
# For application-specific operations, the Application class is essential.
# In the following code, an application named "MyApp" is being retrieved.
# Then, an entity with id "f3f34f" is obtained and converted into the n3 format.
n3: str = meg.Application().get_by_label("MyApp").Entity().get_by_id("f3f34f").n3()
# For operations within the default application, the Admin, Entity, and Query classes can be directly invoked.
# In the example below, an entity with id "g93h4g8" is retrieved and its "" value is updated to "New Name".
Entity().get_by_id("g93h4g8").set_value(SDO.title, "New Name")