Simple Webapp orchestrating the connection to BIRD and integration of AI services
For a working SAML authentication, you need to provide a private key for signing the metadata transfered to your IDP. Install OpenSSL and run the following commands:
openssl genrsa -out testing.key 2048
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in testing.key -outform PEM -out testing.key.pem
The generated key files should be placed within the folder src/main/resources
. Configure the path in the
application.yaml accordingly.
Configure a new web app and define the application setting (as Deployment Option) with the Key SPRING_APPLICATION_JSON and the following value
"endpoints": {
"wallet": {
"url": "",
"apikey": "xxx"
"user": {
"url": "",
"apikey": "xxx"
"key": "xxxx"
The application setting PORT should point to the port configured in the application properties.