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Welcome to TYPO3 - introduction package - TYPO3camp Venlo

This repository is used for the workshop 'Introduction building a website TYPO3' at Main keypoints of this workshop are:

TYPO3 System requirements

TYPO3 is based upon PHP and uses a MySQL database. For more information regarding these requirements see the INSTALL file.

Using the Database Abstraction Layer (DBAL) allows one to use TYPO3 with other Database Management Systems, like PostgreSQL, Oracle and MSSQL.

Installing TYPO3 by composer

Installation of TYPO3 can easily done by composer. A quick way to install TYPO3 can be used by create a project with the TYPO3 Base distribution:

composer create-project typo3/cms-base-distribution projectname

More information about how to install TYPO3 by composer can be found at

Setting up the TYPO3 website

The installation of TYPO3 succeeded and now it is time to setup/configure TYPO3. TYPO3 is shipped with a setup tool which performs the necessary steps to full fill the configuration. If you visit your installation now in the browser you see a message thanking you for downloading TYPO3. In here it will also be mentioned to create a file 'FIRST_INSTALL' to continue.

Create a file in your webdir of your installationm on the terminal hit the following command:

cd web; touch FIRST_INSTALL;

Visit the website again in the browser and walkthrough the onscreen steps in short:

  1. System environment check Fix corresponding errors and continue
  2. Database credentials
  • Create your database in phpmyadmin and make sure you database collation is set on 'utf8_general_ci'
  • Enter the credentials
  1. Select your created database
  2. Create user and provide a sitename
  3. Optionally select a preconfigured website
  • For this workshop we select 'Do nothing, just get me to the Backend' because we install the distribution by composer.
  • Option select download a distribution will not work in a composer based install!

Installing the TYPO3 introduction package / other extension

When visiting your website by the url gives you the error 'Service unavailable (503) - No pages are found on the rootlevel'. This is normal because we don't have installed the introduction package, so there is no page created we could view. When selecting the option 'Create a empty page' in step 5 of the configuration a single page should have be shown. The introduction package we are going to install is an TYPO3 extension which we add to our installation. TYPO3 offers a lot of extensions you can see at TYPO3 Extension Repository (TER) at . To install a extension just require the extension in your main composer by the followed command. You can run this on the level of the folder that your created during installation. (installing the introduction package):

composer require typo3-ter/introduction

TYPO3 automatically places this extension in the correct extension directory ('web/typo3conf/ext/') were all third party and own extensions are located. (When you are installing without composer you can either download the files and place this into this directory OR use the Backend extensionmanager to download an extension from TER)

Last step is to activate the extension (in this case the introduction package) in the Backend (BE) extension manager. When you now visit the website you will have you're first TYPO3 website running!

TYPO3 basics / common practises / structure of your TYPO3 installation

Before going to the next section Personalize the introduction package it is good to understand some basics / common practises / structure of your TYPO3 installation.

Definition list

Below here are some definitions that are quite often used and good to know ;)


The root of your website (presented with the globe-icon). (In the IP 'Congratulations');


Unique identifier of a page/item/object


Parent identifier of the current page/item/object


The T YPO3 E xtension R epository which contains over 6000+ already available extensions free to use!


TYPO3 Backend


TYPO3 Frontend -> this is your website;)

Structure of the BE

The structure of the BE (after login at (***/typo3*)) is as follows:

![TYPO3 Backend structure] (Images/typo3_backend.png)

  1. Available backend modules
    • The page and list module, this are tools you often use to manage content.
    • The template/extensions/install/configuration is mostly used to configure/control/develop/debug your website.
  2. Page tree (only visible in module under the category 'Web')
    • Shows the different pages and folders/storages containing the content of your website
  3. The views / content of the modules
  4. Tools for caching/searching and to adjust user settings

Troubleshooting / tips

Here is a list of common problems I experienced during development in TYPO3 and are common mistakes.


  • Did you cleared the caches?!! (clear the caches in the top right cache menu)
  • Is my setting really used and not overwritten somewhere? In other words what is the loaded typoscript setting in the template object browser?
  • Is the typoScript not been overwritten/ is it visible?
  • Is the database up to date with my code (perform an database check in the install tool)
  • Is the extension active / are the dependencies to other extension set in your ext_emconf.php and are those active?
  • To be continued with 'AHA moments'

Minimal overview of a website structure in dirs

Directory of TYPO3 composer based:

├── vendor
├── web
│   ├── fileadmin
│   ├── typo3 (symlink to the vendor typo3 folder)
│   ├── typoconf
│   │   ├── ext (The extension directory)
│   │   ├── l10n (the language files downloaded for the BE)
│   │   ├── LocalConfiguration.php (Local configuration of the website e.g. database access)
│   │   ├── PackageStates.php (keeps track of the package/extension states (written by the extensionmanager))
│   ├── typo3temp (cached files)
│   ├── uploads (user uploads)
│   ├── .htaccess
│   ├── index.php (symlink to the vendor typo3 index which is your website startpoint)
├── composer.json
├── composer.lock

Commonly used directory structure for an extension

├── site_template
│   ├── Classes
│   │   ├── Command (command controllers that can invoke terminal commands)
│   │   ├── Controller (controllers for the FE/BE)
│   │   ├── Domain
│   │   │   ├── Model (Domain model objects)
│   │   │   ├── Repository (Repositories to the database (ORM mappers))
│   │   ├── ViewHelpers (Classes to help within the view)
│   ├── Configuration
│   │   ├── TCA (Table Configuration Array)( Object mapping between DB and model) (also config for the BE lists /edits)
│   │   ├── TypoScript
│   │   │   ├── [OPTIONAL] Other dirs e.g.
│   │   │   ├── constants.txt (typoscript constants)
│   │   │   ├── setup.txt (typoscript setup (includes the other files in the "other dirs")
│   ├── Resources
│   │   ├── Private
│   │   │   ├── Ext
│   │   │   │   ├── News
│   │   │   │   │   ├── Layouts
│   │   │   │   │   ├── Partials
│   │   │   │   │   ├── Templates
│   │   │   ├── Language (contains all languages and translations)
│   │   │   ├── [OPTIONAL] Less
│   │   │   ├── Layouts (The fluid layouts)
│   │   │   ├── Partials (The fluid partials)
│   │   │   ├── Templates (the fluid templates)
│   │   │   ├── .htaccess
│   │   ├── Public
│   │   │   ├── Css 
│   │   │   ├── Icons
│   │   │   ├── Images
│   │   │   ├── Fonts
│   │   │   ├── Javascript
│   ├── ext_icon.png
│   ├── ext_emconf.php
│   ├── ext_localconf.php
│   ├── ext_tables.php
│   ├── ext_tables.sql

Personalize the introduction package

Personalizing the website to your own preferences should to be done in your OWN extensions and NOT!! in thirds party extensions. Modifying those means updating those extensions (as bugfixes) is HARD and your code is mixed which is a very bad situation to have. If there are bugs then clone the original repository fix it and notify or even better provide a patch to the original builder so that the extension can be updated and other can also have profit of your work.

Create a custom extension to adjust the introduction package:

The personalization of the website / introduction package will be done in a own TYPO3 extension 'site_template'. Create this extension by the following. (These are the minimal requirements for an own TYPO3 extension.)

  • Directory with the name of the extension (site_template)

  • ext_emconf.php

    This file is needed to recognize and activate your extension in the extensionmanager. See the file [ext_emconf.php] (/Files/ext_emconf.php)

  • ext_icon.png (16px*16px) [ext_icon.png] (/Files/ext_icon.png)

If you go to the extension manager in the backend you will see your extension and can activate your extension.

Adjust the logo of the introduction package

In the introduction package the logo is configurable by TypoScript, to adjust the logo and logo properties (height/width/alt) we need to override the constants so that the another file to our logo is used. If you look into the constants.txt of the extension bootstrap package you see the following information :

page {
    logo {
        # cat=bootstrap package: basic/110/100; type=string; label=Logo: Leave blank to use website title from template instead
        file = EXT:bootstrap_package/Resources/Public/Images/BootstrapPackage.png
        # cat=bootstrap package: basic/110/110; type=int+; label=Height: The image will not be resized!
        height = 60
        # cat=bootstrap package: basic/110/120; type=int+; label=Width: The image will not be resized!
        width = 210
        # cat=bootstrap package: basic/110/130; type=string; label=Alternative text: Text of the alt attribute of the logo image (default: "<website title> logo")
        alt =

To override and create your own setup.txt (for later use) and constants.txt (see extension dir structure which directory). Copy the content as above to the constants.txt and modify the logo constant to the location to your own logo in the site_template extension. For example : file = EXT:site_template/Resources/Public/Images/logo.png. The EXT:site_template directs to your extension directory.

Include this piece TypoScript in your website. This needs a certain order otherwise because the new logo setting has to override setting in the bootstrap_package constants and not let the bootstrap constants override ours. Therefore we first need to mention it as an static template by adding the following lines to ext_tables.php .

    'Site template (after bootstrap package)'

After this we can include this static template to our website with the following steps.

![Edit the template] (Images/edittemplate.png)

  1. In the BE select Template module (BE structure 1)
  2. Select rootpage in the pageTree (Be structure 2)
  3. Select Info/modify (be structure 3 top left)
  4. Go to 'Edit the whole template record'

![Include the typoscript] (Images/staticincludes.png)

  1. Include your static in the tab 'includes'

  2. Adjust the order so that the site_template comes after bootstrap_package

  3. Save changes

  4. Clear cache

In the 'info/modify' -> 'Edit the whole template record' TypoScript could be overwritten in the fields 'settings' or 'constants'. The values here can be deleted because we are going to set this in our site_template.

(another way to navigate to the 'Edit the whole template record is: List Module -> Select rootpage -> edit Template)

The website logo should be updated now.

####Verify correct override of the TypoScript constant

When you navigate to the Template module, select your root page in the pagetree (BE structure 2) and go to the Select option 'TypoScript Object browser' you can check under constants which are the settings are are used.

Adjust the colors/css

The default color scheme / css styling is perhaps not the right color for your website. To adjust this in TYPO3 you can add your own css styles.

To do this then the first step is to create an css file to adjust the color of the menu bar to the economical green color. This file is called main.css and is located at Resources/Public/Css. Content of this file to change the menubar to gray is:

.navbar {
	background-color: gray;

Second step is to configure or setup TYPO3 to include this file at every page. In the created setup.txt file you have to add the following line to include your main.css file.

page.includeCSS.all = EXT:site_template/Resources/Public/Css/main.css

After clearing the cache, your menu bar has a gray background color.

Add javascript

Adding javascript is similar as adjusting the color/css. You need to configure a typoscript setting to inform TYPO3 where to find your javascript files and then add the javascript (Resources/Public/Javascript/main.js) file.

# include javascript
page.includeJSFooterlibs {
    main = EXT:site_template/Resources/Public/Javascript/main.js
    main.excludeFromConcatenation = 1

Small javascript demo

$(document).ready(function () {
    $('body').append('<p class="javascripttext">TYPO3 workshop added javascript at <a href="" target="_blank">TYPO3camp Venlo</a></p>');

Some small css for this to make it more visible:

.javascripttext {
    text-align: center;
    background-color: #FF8600;
    color: #111111;
    min-height: 40px;
    padding: 10px;
.javascripttext a {
    color: #111111;
    font-weight: bold;

Adjust templates

At this point you should be able to adjust the css/javascript of the website, next step is to adjust and create templates.

In very short TYPO3 uses the following three parts

  • Templates
  • Layouts
  • Partials

Currently adjusting the templates of the bootstrap_package is already prepared by the bootstrap_package to define constants were TYPO3 can look for templates, if no templates are found matching the template name it fall backs to the default template(s) of the bootstrap_package. The following constants can be added to your constants.txt to provide the directory TYPO3 needs to look for our site_template.

page {
    fluidtemplate {
		# cat=Default Site Configuration ( site_template); type=string; label=Layout Root Path: Path to layouts
		layoutRootPath = EXT:site_template/Resources/Private/Layouts
		# cat=Default Site Configuration ( site_template); type=string; label=Partial Root Path: Path to partials
		partialRootPath = EXT:site_template/Resources/Private/Partials
		# cat=Default Site Configuration ( site_template); type=string; label=Template Root Path: Path to templates
		templateRootPath = EXT:site_template/Resources/Private/Templates

You can copy one of the templates of the bootstrap_package to your own directories and modify the content.

Trouble shooting

  • Is your template filename identical to bootstrap_package?
  • Correct paths?
  • Cache flushed?
  • TypoScript constants not overwritten (see Template object browser)?

Create own templates

Requirements: The constants of the fluidtemplate are set in section 'adjust templates'

Creating own templates needs a BE configuration for the editor to create a visual overview were the content will be placed in the FE. The configuration of these template will be separated in different files to avoid a very large files and losing structure and readability. Therefore first create a folder (e.g.Configuration/BackendLayouts/). This folder will contain different files for every template you are going to create.

Create a file Configuration/TsConfig/Page/config.ts which tells TYPO3 to include and read every file in the created directory (in the future this file will also list other includes as well and it is your 'startpoint' to your page TsConfig).

The following configuration should inform TYPO3 to include all files in the created BackendLayouts directory:

<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: source="DIR:EXT:site_template/Configuration/BackendLayouts" extensions="ts">

Or if just wanting to include one file:

<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: source="FILE:EXT:site_template/Configuration/BackendLayouts/mytemplate.ts">

Tell TYPO3 to automatically load the created Configuration/TsConfig/Page/config.ts (which tells TYPO3 to loads the 'BackendLayouts') by adding the following into ext_tables.php.

// Add page TSConfig
$pageTsConfig = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::getUrl(
    \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::extPath($_EXTKEY) . 'Configuration/TsConfig/Page/config.ts');

The configuration will now been read by TYPO3, so it's time to add the BE-layout of the template. The BE-layout you are about to create is a very simple homepage template (your web_layout) containing three rows with different columns. The template file homepage.ts configuration will look like this:

mod {
    web_layout {
        BackendLayouts {
            #The template identifier 'homepage'
            myhomepage {
                # The title visible in the BE
                title = My Homepage
                # additional image for the BE
                icon = EXT:site_template/Resources/Public/Backend/BackendLayoutIcons/homepage.jpg
                config {
                    backend_layout {
                        # max number of columns
                        colCount = 3
                        # max number of rows
                        rowCount = 2
                        rows {
                            1 {
                                columns {
                                    1 {
                                        name = Top row 100% width
                                        # An unique identifier for this specific column
                                        colPos = 3
                                        # A additional colspan like normal table colspans
                                        colspan = 3

                            2 {
                                columns {
                                    1 {
                                        name = Second row 66% width
                                        colspan = 2
                                        colPos = 0

                                    2 {
                                        name = Second row right 33% width
                                        colPos = 2

The third row you should be able to create yourself (tip: update the max rows number)

Using this BE-layout (don't forget clearing the cache) is done by editing a page and adjusting the field Backend Layout (this page only) to your homepage (The mentioned title in the configuration). If you want to perform this recursively for the subpages also set the field Backend Layout (subpages of this page)).

When you open the page module you will see the created rows and columns that you configured. Here you can add the desired content. Next step is to override the bootstrap_package template definition to load your 'MyHomepage' html template. The bootstrap_package currently only accepts the templates it defined in the setup.txt, and it is would be desirable to load this dynamically. Therefore you need this configuration in your setup.txt (OR create a file 'parser.ts' and load this file in your setup.txt as defined before).

# This shows optional development errors
config {
    contentObjectExceptionHandler = 0

## Override the template parser of bootstrap_package
page.10.templateName >
page.10.templateName = TEXT
page.10.templateName {
    data = levelfield:-2,backend_layout_next_level,slide
    override.field = backend_layout
    split {
        token = pagets__
        1.current = 1
        1.wrap = |
    case = uppercamelcase
    if.empty.value = Default

If you visit the website (FE) this will show a 'Template not found exception'. This is because the template file isn't created yet. Next is creating your own with your HTML markup. TIP In the exception TYPO3 already mentions in which directories he searched for the expected file. If it is correct he searches for the file web/typo3conf/ext/site_template/Resources/Private/Templates/Myhomepage.html. So create this file in the correct directory and place some html into this file and reload your website.

The page is empty, right? This is because no layout has been specified. You have to wrap the content of your page to the default layout that the page should be using. You can do this by using a layout form the bootstrap package. Here the section 'Main' is rendered in the layout 'Default' to render that part in the layout.

<f:layout name="Default"/>
<f:section name="Main">
    <h1>your html</h1>

TIP Look in the bootstrap package how the layout or templates look like, you find here good examples how a html will look like

Were is my content? In your html you need to render the content at the places you want. The rendering of one colPos (The unique number you mentioned in the BE-layout configuration) can be done by using a TYPO3 fluid tag.

<f:section name="Main">
   <f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.dynamicContent" data="{pageUid: '{data.uid}', colPos: '3'}"/>

The full example of the MyHomepage template with bootstrap rows can be found at [Myhomepage.html] (/Files/Myhomepage.html)

(If you are not using any on the bootstrap_package be-layouts you can disable them in the extensionmanager -> bootstrap_package settings -> 'Disable BackendLayouts')

Add news extension to your website

One commonly used functionality of a website is presenting news/blog/information presented in a list with a detail view. In TYPO3 the extension 'news' offers this functionality. In this section it is explained how to add News to your website, and how to adjust the views.

Installation of news can be done like the introduction package, in short:

  • Run composer require composer require typo3-ter/news
  • Activate the extension in the extensionmanager module

When the extension is installed, a plugin can be added to a page to show all news records of a storage. This storage of recoreds can be the page where the plugin is listed, but it is recommended to use a folder/storage to keep your website structured. The setup of news could be done for example by:

  • Create a new folder/storage in the pagetree
  • Edit the folder and look for the field 'use as a container' and select 'news'.
  • Create a few news items in this folder (List module, add item -> add news)
  • Create two pages in the pagetree for example 'news' and 'news-detail'

The detail-view can be hide in the menu because users are redirected from the list-view, so accessing this page will result in an error because the page does not know what to show. (You can hide the detail view in the edit page mode.)

  • Create a plugin on the created news page in the pageview where you want to show the news.
    • Select page module
    • Select the desired page, in this case 'news'
    • Add content on the desired place 'Add content'
    • Find and select 'news system' and go the plugin settings
  • Configure the plugin as followed:
    • Configure what to display: select 'listview (without overloading detail view)
    • Configure where your news items are stored: Enter/search for your folder/container in the field 'select startingpoint'
    • Configure where to redirect to for an detail page of the news items: Enter/search for your detail page at the field 'detail pageId'
    • Save your changes

Presenting the detail of a news items is done by adding another news plugin to your detail page and configure the starting point to the same folder as previous and selecting 'detail-page' in the field 'what to display'.

When visiting the website (cleared the cache / set the page on visible!) the page shows your news items.

The complete user manual as other information about this extension can be found at:

Adjusting the view(s) of the news extension

After installing the news extension you probably also want to adjust the view of the news list/ detail-page to your needs. To do this a few steps are needed and you can should ajust(override) the templates of news in your own site_template.

Adjusting the view is own extension is mentioning TYPO3 to first look in your extension to the news templates. If the template is found here this template is used otherwise the template of news is found. (are none of the templates are found you get an exception).

At this point you should already have added the typoscript to your website in the part were you adjusted the logo, if you skipped this have a look in that section.

The TypoScript to inform TYPO3 to look for our own templates add the following to the setup.txt

plugin.tx_news {
	view {
		templateRootPaths {
			102 = EXT:site_template/Resources/Private/Ext/News/Templates/

		partialRootPaths {
			102 = EXT:site_template/Resources/Private/Ext/News/Partials/

		layoutRootPaths {
			102 = EXT:site_template/Resources/Private/Ext/News/Layouts/

Better practise is to created an folder 'Lib' in the TypoScript folder and create a file for every extension you change the settings for (just to be organized). Move the settings of news to for example the file Configuration/TypoScript/Lib/news.ts and include all files in the Lib directory in your setup:

# Lib
<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: source="DIR:EXT:site_template/Configuration/TypoScript/Lib/">

Adjusting the template is now a matter of creating the same file (or copying the original) in the mentioned paths above.

When no changes are visible, make sure that the path AND filename relative to the given rootPaths are the same, else the template of news is taken. (you can make a small adjustment in the news template to check if the news template is still used)

Create your first custom extension

The example you can use for your first extension is a simple blog system to create, update, edit, delete blogitem(s) on the website as well in the backend. On the website there should be an overview of al blog items as well an detail view of every item. A blog item consists of a title, teaser, date and a message, where the date will be automatically will be set when creating the blog item.

Creating extensions can easily be kick-started by the extension builder. The command to install the extension builder is composer require typo3-ter/extension-builder .The manual of the extension builder can be found at (Do not forget to activate the extension in the extensionmanager)

Once you have installed the extensionbuilder we can use the backend module to create our simple_blog extension.

The entered information in the demo is as follows:

  • Name: Simple blog
  • Vendor name: Yourcompany
  • Key: simple_blog
  • Descr: My first extension, a nice blogging system
  • More options: keep defaults
  • Add a person: enter your personal information
  • Add a front end plugin:
  • Name: Listblog
  • Key: list

After this create a 'New Model Object', in this case the Blog object.

  • Mark the "Is aggregate root" This creates a repository and creates the mapping

  • Check the required action that should be possible

  • At the properties we want the following:

  • title (String)

  • date (DateTime(timestamp))

  • teaser (String)

  • message (Rich text)

Save your extension and install this in the extension manager.

Because we use a composer based installation we need to add a composer.json file to autoload the classes if you want to require this extension.

  "name": "beechit/simple-blog",
  "type": "typo3-cms-extension",
  "description": "\"Blogname\": blogging ",
  "license": ["GPL-2.0+"],
  "require": {
    "typo3/cms-core": ">=7.5.0,<8.0"
  "autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
      "BeechIt\\SimpleBlog\\": "Classes"

Because this extension is not yet published or in version control you can not require the extension yet. To autoload the classes add autoloading to your main composer file as followed:

"autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
        "BeechIt\\SimpleBlog\\": "web/typo3conf/ext/simple_blog/Classes"

Then invoke the composer command to regenerate the autoload file composer dump-autoload.

If you go to the typo3conf/ext you will see the created extension simple_blog. Under the folder Classes/Domain/Model the Blog is created with default getters and setters. In here we create a constructor that sets the date on creation of an item. The following constructor is created which sets the date::

 * Constructor of a new Blog which automatically sets the date on today
public function __construct() {
    $this->date = new \DateTime();

We also need that a web user does not have to enter the field. In the folder Resources/private/Partials/Blog/FormFields.html the following has to be removed::

<label for="date">
<f:translate key="" />
</label><br />
<f:form.textfield property="date"  value="{>}" /><br />

The next steps assume that you have already finished the section about adding the news system, due the fact that some steps are already explained over in that part.

If all is setup you have to create a folder/storage for the blog items and a page containing your plugin (extention).

As different with the news extension in creating a new content element the extention is under 'General plugins' and after this go to the tab 'Plugin' and select your plugin. ('ListBlog' or the name you specified before in the extension builder)

At last enter/find the record of your folder/container and set this in the field 'Record Storage Page'.

After clearing the caches and a reloado of your website you will see your first blog system. If enter the backend you can also adjust your blog items in the blogstorage or add new ones if desired.

Links and sources

The final code created in this workshop can be find in the directory [Finalcode] (Finalcode/).

Official TYPO3 documentation:

The official documentation of TYPO3 can be found here:

TYPO3 extbase book

TYPO3 video instructions: (DE)

Usefull blogs (EN) (DE)