Automatic dataset generation for neural depth estimation in active setups
- python version 3.9.18
- BlenderProc
- torch version matching cuda version eg. for ACID:
conda install pytorch=1.11.0 torchvision=0.12 torchaudio=0.11 cudatoolkit=11.5 -c pytorch -c conda-forge
python3 -m pip install -r req.txt
- Download Resources and unpack folder to ./blenderproc/
usage: [-h] [--loop | --no-loop] [--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR] [--num_poses NUM_POSES] [--num_images NUM_IMAGES] [--training | --no-training] [--load_scene LOAD_SCENE] [--load_camera LOAD_CAMERA]
[--save_scene SAVE_SCENE] [--save_camera SAVE_CAMERA] [--save_camera_intrinsics SAVE_CAMERA_INTRINSICS] [--model {Unet,Unetresnet,all}] [--combined COMBINED]
[--pattern {rainbow,continuous,points,stripes}]
pipeline from random-room-generation to neuronal monocular depth-estimation
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--loop, --no-loop enable/disable image-generation (default: False)
--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR, -o OUTPUT_DIR
name of outputfolder (default: meow_stacked)
--num_poses NUM_POSES, -poses NUM_POSES
Number of poses within one frame (default: 5)
--num_images NUM_IMAGES, -images NUM_IMAGES
Number of created frames (default: 250)
--training, --no-training
(un)set trainings loop for depthestimation (default: True)
--load_scene LOAD_SCENE
File to load scene from (default: )
--load_camera LOAD_CAMERA
File to load camerapose from (default: )
--save_scene SAVE_SCENE
File/folder to save scene to (default: )
--save_camera SAVE_CAMERA
File/folder to save camerapose to (default: )
--save_camera_intrinsics SAVE_CAMERA_INTRINSICS
File to save camera-intrinsics from/to (default: )
--model {Unet,Unetresnet,all}
select model type (default: all)
--combined COMBINED Stack Normals and Infrareds (default: True)
--pattern {rainbow,continuous,points,stripes}
select pattern type (default: points)
The default value for the maximum depth is set to 20. Since a normalization in the range [0,1] (scientific standard) was performed, this value must now be adjusted.
blenderproc vis --depth_max=1 hdf5 <path/to/file.hdf5>