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Releases: belgaied2/harvester-cli


27 Feb 13:49
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v0.2.2-rc1 Pre-release
try cleanup with command at the beginning of job instead of at the end

Signed-off-by: Mohamed Belgaied Hassine <[email protected]>


04 May 17:03
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.2.1


28 Apr 17:27
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What's Changed

🚀 Enhancements

  • Added the possibility to pass on files to cloud-init using new flags called --user-data-filepath and --network-data-filepath. The previous flags --cloud-init-user-data and --cloud-init-network-data (which were not clearly a configMap reference) become user-data-cm-ref and network-data-cm-ref. the *-cm-ref and *-filepath are mutually exclusive! -- Issue #24
  • Added support for the vm-import-controller, a plugin to import VMs from VMWare vCenter or OpenStack environments. Using Harvester CLI, you can enable the Addon with harvester import enable, define or delete a source cluster, as well as create or delete a VM import -- Issue #21

🐛 Bugs

  • Fixed a bug where the harvester CLI could not create VMs with more than 6 CPUs. Side effect of the change: now, the harvester vm list command does not show weird memory values (caused by overCommit settings in Harvester). -- Issue #23


Full Changelog: v0.1.2...v0.2.0


14 Jul 21:28
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Release Notes

This release is a simple patch version to fix an issue related to creating VMs from a template created in Harvester v1.0.2.

Full Changelog: v0.1.1...v0.1.2


05 Jul 22:54
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Release Notes

This release focuses on VM image management using Harvester CLI. Some of the highlights is the possibility to upload a VM image from your client machine or use the new VM catalog.

What new?

  • Fixed an issue related to Harvester v1.0.2 where the VM status was always shown as "Not Running"
  • Added some VM image management features:
    • Create a VM image from a remote URL
    • Create a VM image from a local file (only available if you use the harvester login command to get access to your Harvester Cluster)
    • Create a VM image from an easy to navigate image catalog with the major linux distributions.

Full Changelog from v0.1.0: v0.1.0...v0.1.1


26 Apr 21:28
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Release Notes

This release focuses on stabilising some of the features of Harvester CLI, mostly the shell command which was previously unusable because of tty issues.

What new?

  • the shell command now wraps a local ssh command of the OS, thus eliminating previous tty issues. Because of this, the ssh system command becomes a requirement, which an okay requirement since the large majority of modern OSes (MacOS, Windows and Linux) come with ssh out of the box.
  • !! BEWARE KILLER feature !!: Now, the shell command can connect to a VM that is not on a bridged network, it will use Kubernetes API port-forwarding to ssh into a VM that is on the Pod Network -- meaning, you don't need to use kubectl or jump on your Harvester node to access a VM that is only on the Pod Network.
  • Fixed a couple of issues related to ssh'ing into a VM that does not have an IP address, or VM listing when one of the VMs has an undefined Running state.
  • Minor clean up

Full Changelog: v0.0.7...v0.1.0


21 Feb 21:00
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Release Notes

This release add the version flag. This Flag makes it possible to run harvester --version command to see Harvester CLI's version.


28 Jan 23:19
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This new feature adds the following enhancements:

  • Adding a template show command that shows details about a VM Template
  • Adding an AntiAffinity rule to prefer scheduling multiple instances of the same VM on different nodes.


21 Jan 16:48
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This version aims at providing helper commands to know what exists in the cluster that can be used during VM creation. This includes:

  • Template listing using harvester template list
  • VM Image listing using harvester image list
  • Keypair listing using harvester keypair list

v0.0.4 - Version focused on managing multiple instances

21 Jan 00:00
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This version aims at improving multiple instance management, it adds the following features:

  • Adding a count flag to the vm create command in order to create multiple identical instances of a VM
  • Adding the possibility to give a list of VMs as arguments to the vm stop, vm start, vm restart and vm delete commands
  • Adding the possibility to use wildcard VM selection for the above commands as well