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skailasa committed Sep 13, 2023
1 parent 4e93e67 commit b7b8934
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Showing 4 changed files with 251 additions and 131 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tree/Cargo.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ memoffset = "0.6"
rand = "0.8.*"
hyksort = { path = "../hyksort", optional = true }
bempp-traits = { path = "../traits" }
rlst = {git = "", branch = "enh/moore-penrose-pseudo-inverse"}
# rlst = {git = "", branch = "enh/moore-penrose-pseudo-inverse"}

mpi = ["dep:mpi", "dep:hyksort"]
Expand Down
260 changes: 130 additions & 130 deletions tree/examples/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,140 +1,140 @@
// ? mpirun -n {{NPROCESSES}} --features "mpi"

use rand::prelude::*;
use rand::SeedableRng;

use mpi::{environment::Universe, topology::UserCommunicator, traits::*};

use bempp_traits::tree::Tree;

use rlst::{
base_matrix::BaseMatrix, data_container::VectorContainer, matrix::Matrix, rlst_col_vec,
rlst_mat, rlst_pointer_mat, traits::*, Dot, global,

use bempp_tree::types::{
domain::Domain, morton::MortonKey, multi_node::MultiNodeTree, point::PointType,

fn points_fixture(
npoints: usize,
min: Option<f64>,
max: Option<f64>,
) -> Matrix<f64, BaseMatrix<f64, VectorContainer<f64>, Dynamic, Dynamic>, Dynamic, Dynamic>
// Generate a set of randomly distributed points
let mut range = StdRng::seed_from_u64(0);

let between;
if let (Some(min), Some(max)) = (min, max) {
between = rand::distributions::Uniform::from(min..max);
} else {
between = rand::distributions::Uniform::from(0.0_f64..1.0_f64);

let mut points = rlst_mat![f64, (npoints, 3)];

for i in 0..npoints {
points[[i, 0]] = between.sample(&mut range);
points[[i, 1]] = between.sample(&mut range);
points[[i, 2]] = between.sample(&mut range);


// /// Test that the leaves on separate nodes do not overlap.
// fn test_no_overlaps(world: &UserCommunicator, tree: &MultiNodeTree) {
// // Communicate bounds from each process
// let max = tree.get_keys().iter().max().unwrap();
// let min = *tree.get_keys().iter().min().unwrap();

// // Gather all bounds at root
// let size = world.size();
// let rank = world.rank();

// let next_rank = if rank + 1 < size { rank + 1 } else { 0 };
// let previous_rank = if rank > 0 { rank - 1 } else { size - 1 };

// let previous_process = world.process_at_rank(previous_rank);
// let next_process = world.process_at_rank(next_rank);

// // Send min to partner
// if rank > 0 {
// previous_process.send(&min);
// // ? mpirun -n {{NPROCESSES}} --features "mpi"

// use rand::prelude::*;
// use rand::SeedableRng;

// use mpi::{environment::Universe, topology::UserCommunicator, traits::*};

// use bempp_traits::tree::Tree;

// use rlst::{
// dense::{
// base_matrix::BaseMatrix, data_container::VectorContainer, matrix::Matrix, rlst_col_vec,
// rlst_mat, rlst_pointer_mat, traits::*, Dot, global,
// },
// };

// use bempp_tree::types::{
// domain::Domain, morton::MortonKey, multi_node::MultiNodeTree, point::PointType,
// };

// fn points_fixture(
// npoints: usize,
// min: Option<f64>,
// max: Option<f64>,
// ) -> Matrix<f64, BaseMatrix<f64, VectorContainer<f64>, Dynamic, Dynamic>, Dynamic, Dynamic>
// {
// // Generate a set of randomly distributed points
// let mut range = StdRng::seed_from_u64(0);

// let between;
// if let (Some(min), Some(max)) = (min, max) {
// between = rand::distributions::Uniform::from(min..max);
// } else {
// between = rand::distributions::Uniform::from(0.0_f64..1.0_f64);
// }

// let mut partner_min = MortonKey::default();
// let mut points = rlst_mat![f64, (npoints, 3)];

// if rank < (size - 1) {
// next_process.receive_into(&mut partner_min);
// for i in 0..npoints {
// points[[i, 0]] = between.sample(&mut range);
// points[[i, 1]] = between.sample(&mut range);
// points[[i, 2]] = between.sample(&mut range);
// }

// // Test that the partner's minimum node is greater than the process's maximum node
// if rank < size - 1 {
// assert!(max < &partner_min)
// }
// }

// fn test_uniform(tree: &MultiNodeTree) {
// let levels: Vec<u64> = tree.get_keys().iter().map(|key| key.level()).collect();
// let first = levels[0];
// assert_eq!(true, levels.iter().all(|level| *level == first));
// points
// }

// /// Test that the globally defined domain contains all the points at a given node.
// fn test_global_bounds(world: &UserCommunicator) {
// let points = points_fixture(10000);

// // /// Test that the leaves on separate nodes do not overlap.
// // fn test_no_overlaps(world: &UserCommunicator, tree: &MultiNodeTree) {
// // // Communicate bounds from each process
// // let max = tree.get_keys().iter().max().unwrap();
// // let min = *tree.get_keys().iter().min().unwrap();

// // // Gather all bounds at root
// // let size = world.size();
// // let rank = world.rank();

// // let next_rank = if rank + 1 < size { rank + 1 } else { 0 };
// // let previous_rank = if rank > 0 { rank - 1 } else { size - 1 };

// // let previous_process = world.process_at_rank(previous_rank);
// // let next_process = world.process_at_rank(next_rank);

// // // Send min to partner
// // if rank > 0 {
// // previous_process.send(&min);
// // }

// // let mut partner_min = MortonKey::default();

// // if rank < (size - 1) {
// // next_process.receive_into(&mut partner_min);
// // }

// // // Test that the partner's minimum node is greater than the process's maximum node
// // if rank < size - 1 {
// // assert!(max < &partner_min)
// // }
// // }

// // fn test_uniform(tree: &MultiNodeTree) {
// // let levels: Vec<u64> = tree.get_keys().iter().map(|key| key.level()).collect();
// // let first = levels[0];
// // assert_eq!(true, levels.iter().all(|level| *level == first));
// // }

// // /// Test that the globally defined domain contains all the points at a given node.
// // fn test_global_bounds(world: &UserCommunicator) {
// // let points = points_fixture(10000);

// // let comm = world.duplicate();

// // let domain = Domain::from_global_points(&points, &comm);

// // // Test that all local points are contained within the global domain
// // for point in points {
// // assert!(domain.origin[0] <= point[0] && point[0] <= domain.origin[0] + domain.diameter[0]);
// // assert!(domain.origin[1] <= point[1] && point[1] <= domain.origin[1] + domain.diameter[1]);
// // assert!(domain.origin[2] <= point[2] && point[2] <= domain.origin[2] + domain.diameter[2]);
// // }
// // }

// fn main() {
// // Setup an MPI environment
// let universe: Universe = mpi::initialize().unwrap();
// let world =;
// let comm = world.duplicate();

// let domain = Domain::from_global_points(&points, &comm);

// // Test that all local points are contained within the global domain
// for point in points {
// assert!(domain.origin[0] <= point[0] && point[0] <= domain.origin[0] + domain.diameter[0]);
// assert!(domain.origin[1] <= point[1] && point[1] <= domain.origin[1] + domain.diameter[1]);
// assert!(domain.origin[2] <= point[2] && point[2] <= domain.origin[2] + domain.diameter[2]);
// }
// // Setup tree parameters
// let adaptive = false;
// let n_crit: Option<_> = None;
// let k = 2;
// let depth = Some(3);
// let n_points = 10000;

// // Generate some random test data local to each process
// let points = points_fixture(n_points, None, None);
// let global_idxs: Vec<_> = (0..n_points).collect();

// // Calculate the global domain
// let domain = Domain::from_global_points(, &comm);

// // Create a uniform tree
// let tree = MultiNodeTree::new(&comm, &, adaptive, n_crit, depth, k, &global_idxs);

// println!("Rank {:?}, leaves {:?}", world.rank(), tree.leaves.len())
// // test_global_bounds(&comm);
// // if world.rank() == 0 {
// // println!("\t ... test_global_bounds passed on uniform tree");
// // }
// // test_uniform(&tree);
// // if world.rank() == 0 {
// // println!("\t ... test_uniform passed on uniform tree");
// // }
// // test_no_overlaps(&comm, &tree);
// // if world.rank() == 0 {
// // println!("\t ... test_no_overlaps passed on uniform tree");
// // }
// }

fn main() {
// Setup an MPI environment
let universe: Universe = mpi::initialize().unwrap();
let world =;
let comm = world.duplicate();

// Setup tree parameters
let adaptive = false;
let n_crit: Option<_> = None;
let k = 2;
let depth = Some(3);
let n_points = 10000;

// Generate some random test data local to each process
let points = points_fixture(n_points, None, None);
let global_idxs: Vec<_> = (0..n_points).collect();

// Calculate the global domain
let domain = Domain::from_global_points(, &comm);

// Create a uniform tree
let tree = MultiNodeTree::new(&comm, &, adaptive, n_crit, depth, k, &global_idxs);

println!("Rank {:?}, leaves {:?}", world.rank(), tree.leaves.len())
// test_global_bounds(&comm);
// if world.rank() == 0 {
// println!("\t ... test_global_bounds passed on uniform tree");
// }
// test_uniform(&tree);
// if world.rank() == 0 {
// println!("\t ... test_uniform passed on uniform tree");
// }
// test_no_overlaps(&comm, &tree);
// if world.rank() == 0 {
// println!("\t ... test_no_overlaps passed on uniform tree");
// }
// fn main() {}
// // fn main() {}
101 changes: 101 additions & 0 deletions tree/examples/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
// // ? mpirun -n {{NPROCESSES}} --features "mpi"

// use std::time::Instant;

// use mpi::collective::SystemOperation;
// use rand::prelude::*;
// use rand::SeedableRng;

// use mpi::{environment::Universe, topology::UserCommunicator, traits::*};

// use bempp_traits::tree::Tree;

// use rlst::{
// dense::
// base_matrix::BaseMatrix, data_container::VectorContainer, matrix::Matrix, rlst_col_vec,
// rlst_mat, rlst_pointer_mat, traits::*, Dot
// };

// use bempp_tree::types::{
// domain::Domain, morton::MortonKey, multi_node::MultiNodeTree, point::PointType,
// };

// fn points_fixture(
// npoints: usize,
// min: Option<f64>,
// max: Option<f64>,
// ) -> Matrix<f64, BaseMatrix<f64, VectorContainer<f64>, Dynamic, Dynamic>, Dynamic, Dynamic>
// {
// // Generate a set of randomly distributed points
// let mut range = StdRng::seed_from_u64(0);

// let between;
// if let (Some(min), Some(max)) = (min, max) {
// between = rand::distributions::Uniform::from(min..max);
// } else {
// between = rand::distributions::Uniform::from(0.0_f64..1.0_f64);
// }

// let mut points = rlst_mat![f64, (npoints, 3)];

// for i in 0..npoints {
// points[[i, 0]] = between.sample(&mut range);
// points[[i, 1]] = between.sample(&mut range);
// points[[i, 2]] = between.sample(&mut range);
// }

// points
// }

// fn main() {
// // Setup an MPI environment
// let universe: Universe = mpi::initialize().unwrap();
// let world =;
// let comm = world.duplicate();
// let rank = world.rank();
// let size = world.size();

// // Setup tree parameters
// let adaptive = false;

// let depth: u64 = std::env::var("DEPTH").unwrap().parse().unwrap_or(5);
// let n_crit: Option<_> = None;
// let k = 4;
// let n_max = 32;
// let n = n_max/(size as u64);

// let depth = Some(depth);

// let n_points = n*1000000;

// // Generate some random test data local to each process
// let points = points_fixture(n_points, None, None);
// let global_idxs: Vec<_> = (0..n_points).collect();

// // Calculate the global domain
// let domain = Domain::from_global_points(, &comm);

// // Create a uniform tree
// let s = Instant::now();
// let tree = MultiNodeTree::new(&comm, &, adaptive, n_crit, depth, k, &global_idxs);
// let time = Instant::now().elapsed();
// let nleaves = tree.leaves.len();
// let mut sum = 0;

// if rank == 0 {
// world
// .process_at_rank(0)
// .reduce_into_root(&nleaves, &mut sum, SystemOperation::sum());

// println!("{:?}, {:?}, {:?}", size, sum, time)

// } else {
// world
// .process_at_rank(root_rank)
// .reduce_into(&nleaves, SystemOperation::sum())
// }

// }

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