Retrieves artists, labels, master releases, and releases from Discogs. Built on top of disconnect, a Node.js client library.
$ meteor add obringer20:meteor-discogs
Add to your settings.json file:
"discogs": {
"consumerKey": "yourConsumerKey",
"consumerSecret": "yourConsumerSecret"
// Instantiation
const discogs = new Discogs();
// Retrieving an artist
const artist = discogs.artist(123);
// Retrieving a label
const label = discogs.label(123);
// Retrieving a master release
const masterRelease = discogs.masterRelease(123);
// Retrieving a release
const release = discogs.release(123);
// Searching
const search = discogs.search('illmatic - nas');
VELOCITY_TEST_PACKAGES=1 meteor test-packages --driver-package velocity:html-reporter ./ --settings settings.json