running in a container is recommended:
- git clone and run
docker compose up
- or run natively (see below)
- node.js
- python3 and pip
pip3 install moviepy
- ffmpeg and imagemagick
- comic sans font
this is where the magic happens. using moviepy, this script will get an image, a text, a song (hardcoded to jazz in paris) and put them all together into a file.
use it with
python3 <path to bg image> <text to display (like someones ip)> <name of output file>
this express server provides an example on how one could automate the generation of these videos.
you simply create a discord webhook, and get yourself a link that looks like
<domain>/link?url=<url to redirect to>&wh=<discord webhook url>
(please note
that you do need to url encode all of these parameters) after that, just put it
in a url shortener and you're done
build the code with yarn build
and run with yarn start