- PHP 8.3+
You can create a new repository on GitHub or download the ZIP of the latest release.
You can also install it using composer :
composer create-project benjaminhaeberli/php-skeleton --prefer-source YourApp
Then, install composer packages :
composer install
More details in composer.json
🧹 Keep a modern codebase with Pint (see default config)
composer pint
⚗️ Run static analysis using PHPStan
composer phpstan
✅ Run unit tests using PEST
composer pest
🚀 Run the entire test suite
composer test
🧰 Validate composer.json
and update dependencies
composer core:update
📈 Expose code coverage using PEST (require XDEBUG in coverage
composer pest:coverage
💎 Measure the code quality with PHPInsights (see config\insights.php)
composer phpinsights
✅ Run refactors using Rector
composer rector
PHP skeleton is maintained by Benjamin Haeberli under the MIT license.