Shell script wrapper around git.
Uses Dropbox-Uploader
--identity-file Derivied From: Wrapper script that can specify an ssh-key file with the Git command The MIT License (MIT) - Copyright (c) 2013 Alvin Abad
I install with
ln -s gitr /usr/bin/gitr
ln -s dropbox_uploader /usr/bin/dropbox_uploader
usage: gitr
- use a specified identity key
gitr -i ssh-key-file normal-git-commands
- restore repo to a backuped dropbox one (made with rb)
gitr -rr /Path/To/dropbox_uploader/settings_file repo-test
- backup repo to dropbox as gzip2, encrypted by openssl with a given name
gitr -rb /Path/To/dropbox_uploader/settings_file repo-test
- shortcut for git commit -m "MSG"
gitr xcom "Commit Message"
- shortcut for git add -A .
gitr xadd
- generate key for git (creates in the current directory key and pub)
gitr xgenkey
- if gitr has commands that are not gitr commands
- it forward them to git.
gitr checkout master
- is the same as
git checkout master