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Aurora Graph Manager

Aurora Graph Manager is part of the software I developed for my MS thesis in Computer Science. The thesis was about community detection in big graphs.

Aurora is an efficient in-memory implementation for directed, undirected, weighted and unweighted graphs, written in Java. Most of the performance is given by the fastutil project (

I'm rewriting the code in Java 8, with functional idioms. With the original implementation, we could handle graphs with 300 milions of edges in a 60 Gb server.

If you want to download the .jar, go to


In Aurora, nodes and edges have an unique identifier. For nodes, it's supplied by the programmer, while edges are automatically indexed. Nodes can have a float attribute, while edge have a default weight 1f.

Creating a graph is trivial:

 * Populate the graph
Graph g = new AdlDirectGraph();	// or AdlUndirectGraph
int n0 = g.addNode(0);          // Add a simple node
g.addNode(1, 1f);               // Add node with a float label

// check if there are only 2 nodes in the graph
assertEquals(2, g.getNodeCount());

int edgeId = g.addEdge(2, 3, 1f); // Node 2 and 3 are automatically created
g.addEdge(3, 4, 3f);  
g.addEdge(4, 2);                // This edge has weight 1f

assertEquals(3, g.getEdgeCount());

// You can change node attribute for an existing node
g.setNodeAttribute(n0, 4f);

// Create and delete nodes
if( g.contains(24) )
assertEquals(false, g.contains(24));

try {
	g.getNodeAttribute(23);       // You can't access to non existing nodes
	assertEquals(true, false);
} catch( NodeNotFound ex ) {
	// this is a RuntimeException
	assertEquals(true, true);

 * Edge Operations
g = new AdlDirectGraph();
g.addEdge(0, 1);
g.addEdge(0, 2);
// check connections
assertEquals(true, g.areConnected(0, 1));

edgeId = g.getEdgeBetween(0, 1);	// get the id between 0 and 1
IntSet outEdges = g.getOutEdges(0);	// also getInEdge or getEdges()
assertEquals( true, outEdges.contains(edgeId) );

try {
	g.getEdgeBetween(0, 23);
	assertEquals(true, false);
} catch( EdgeNotFound ex ) {
	assertEquals(true, true);

float w = g.getEdgeWeight(edgeId);
assertEquals( 1f, w, 0.0 );			// default weight is 1f
float nonExistingEdge = g.getEdgeWeight(-23);
// Beware! this is true! If you ask the weight of an existing
// edge, you get it. Of an non existing edge, you get 1f. 
// This is made for performance.
assertEquals( 1f, nonExistingEdge, 0.0 );

 * Neighborhood
g = new AdlUndirectGraph();
g.addEdge(0, 1);
g.addEdge(0, 2);

IntSet neighs = new IntArraySet(new int[]{1, 2});
assertEquals(neighs, g.getNeighbours(0));
// Also getOutNeighbours or getInNeighbours. Make sense only for directed graph

 * Graph View
g.addEdge(2, 3);
g.addEdge(2, 4);
g.addEdge(3, 4);
IntSet subgraph = new IntArraySet(new int[]{ 2,3,4 } );
// Graph view gives you a view on some vertices
IGraph ig = new GraphView(g, subgraph);	// IGraph is the immutable interface for Graph

assertEquals(false, ig.contains(0));
assertEquals(true, ig.contains(2));

 * Degree
// You can get degree information for nodes
g = new AdlDirectGraph();
g.addEdge(0, 1, 2f);
g.addEdge(0, 2);
g.addEdge(2, 0);

assertEquals(2, g.outDegree(0));
assertEquals(1, g.inDegree(0));

// Also wOutDegree(0) for weighted degree
assertEquals(3f, g.wOutDegree(0), 0.0);

 * Finally, the edge iterator feature
// Iterate over triplets {edgeId, src, dst}
g = new AdlDirectGraph();
g.addEdge(0, 1);
g.addEdge(0, 2);
g.addEdge(2, 3);
for(int[] t : g.getEdgeIterable()) {
	System.out.println(t[0]+": "+t[1]+" -> "+t[2]);
	 * Prints
	 * 0: 0 -> 1
	 * 1: 0 -> 2
	 * 2: 2 -> 3