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TRELLO-2680 TRELLO-2901 split reportfiles endpoints for better security
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eletallbetagouv committed Feb 18, 2025
1 parent f9d30b4 commit 1ee7b94
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Showing 5 changed files with 131 additions and 45 deletions.
44 changes: 35 additions & 9 deletions app/controllers/ReportFileController.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ import play.api.mvc.Action
import play.api.mvc.AnyContent
import play.api.mvc.ControllerComponents
import play.api.mvc.MultipartFormData
import utils.DateUtils.frenchFileFormatDate

Expand All @@ -37,21 +36,34 @@ class ReportFileController(
visibleReportOrchestrator: VisibleReportOrchestrator,
authenticator: Authenticator[User],
signalConsoConfiguration: SignalConsoConfiguration,
controllerComponents: ControllerComponents,
reportRepository: ReportRepositoryInterface
controllerComponents: ControllerComponents
)(implicit val ec: ExecutionContext)
extends BaseController(authenticator, controllerComponents) {

val logger: Logger = Logger(this.getClass)

val reportFileMaxSizeInBytes = signalConsoConfiguration.reportFileMaxSize * 1024 * 1024

def downloadReportFile(uuid: ReportFileId, filename: String): Action[AnyContent] = Act.public.generousLimit.async {
_ =>
def legacyDownloadReportFile(uuid: ReportFileId, filename: String): Action[AnyContent] =
Act.public.generousLimit.async { _ =>
.downloadReportAttachment(uuid, filename)
.legacyDownloadReportAttachment(uuid, filename)
.map(signedUrl => Redirect(signedUrl))

def downloadFileNotYetUsedInReport(uuid: ReportFileId, filename: String): Action[AnyContent] =
Act.public.generousLimit.async {
.downloadFileNotYetUsedInReport(uuid, filename)
.map(signedUrl => Redirect(signedUrl))

def downloadFileUsedInReport(uuid: ReportFileId, filename: String): Action[AnyContent] =
Act.secured.all.allowImpersonation.async { request =>
.downloadFileUsedInReport(uuid, filename, request.identity)
.map(signedUrl => Redirect(signedUrl))

def retrieveReportFiles(): Action[JsValue] = Act.userAware.allowImpersonation.async(parse.json) { request =>
// Validate the incoming JSON request body against the expected format
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -82,10 +94,24 @@ class ReportFileController(

def deleteReportFile(uuid: ReportFileId, filename: String): Action[AnyContent] =
def legacyDeleteReportFile(uuid: ReportFileId, filename: String): Action[AnyContent] =
Act.userAware.forbidImpersonation.async { implicit request =>
.removeReportFile(uuid, filename, request.identity)
.legacyRemoveReportFile(uuid, filename, request.identity)
.map(_ => NoContent)

def deleteFileUsedInReport(fileId: ReportFileId, filename: String): Action[AnyContent] =
Act.secured.admins.async {
.removeFileUsedInReport(fileId, filename)
.map(_ => NoContent)

def deleteFileNotYetUsedInReport(fileId: ReportFileId, filename: String): Action[AnyContent] =
Act.public.standardLimit.async {
.removeFileNotYetUsedInReport(fileId, filename)
.map(_ => NoContent)

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions app/loader/SignalConsoApplicationLoader.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -422,6 +422,7 @@ class SignalConsoComponents(
val reportFileOrchestrator =
new ReportFileOrchestrator(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -858,8 +859,7 @@ class SignalConsoComponents(

val healthController = new HealthController(cookieAuthenticator, controllerComponents)
Expand Down
108 changes: 80 additions & 28 deletions app/orchestrators/ReportFileOrchestrator.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import cats.implicits.toFunctorOps
import cats.implicits.toTraverseOps
import cats.instances.future._
import controllers.error.AppError
import controllers.error.AppError.AttachmentNotFound
import controllers.error.AppError._
import models._
Expand All @@ -34,9 +35,13 @@ import java.time.OffsetDateTime
import java.util.UUID
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.util.Try
import scala.util.Failure
import scala.util.Success

class ReportFileOrchestrator(
reportFileRepository: ReportFileRepositoryInterface,
visibleReportOrchestrator: VisibleReportOrchestrator,
antivirusScanActor: ActorRef[AntivirusScanActor.ScanCommand],
s3Service: S3ServiceInterface,
reportZipExportService: ReportZipExportService,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,14 +115,23 @@ class ReportFileOrchestrator(
res <- => remove(, file.filename)).sequence
} yield res

def removeReportFile(fileId: ReportFileId, filename: String, user: Option[User]): Future[Int] =
def removeFileUsedInReport(fileId: ReportFileId, filename: String): Future[_] =
for {
maybeReportFile <- reportFileRepository
.ensure(AttachmentNotFound(reportFileId = fileId, reportFileName = filename))(predicate =
_.exists(_.filename == filename)
reportFile <- maybeReportFile.liftTo[Future](AttachmentNotFound(fileId, filename))
file <- getFileByIdAndName(fileId, filename)
_ <- Future.fromTry(checkIsUsedInReport(file))
_ <- remove(fileId, filename)
} yield ()

def removeFileNotYetUsedInReport(fileId: ReportFileId, filename: String): Future[_] =
for {
file <- getFileByIdAndName(fileId, filename)
_ <- Future.fromTry(checkIsNotYetUsedInReport(file))
_ <- remove(fileId, filename)
} yield ()

def legacyRemoveReportFile(fileId: ReportFileId, filename: String, user: Option[User]): Future[_] =
for {
reportFile <- getFileByIdAndName(fileId, filename)
userHasDeleteFilePermission = user.exists(user => UserRole.Admins.contains(user.userRole))
_ <- reportFile.reportId match {
case Some(_) if userHasDeleteFilePermission => reportFileRepository.delete(fileId)
Expand All @@ -126,33 +140,44 @@ class ReportFileOrchestrator(
case None => reportFileRepository.delete(fileId)
res <- remove(fileId, filename)
} yield res
_ <- remove(fileId, filename)
} yield ()

private def remove(fileId: ReportFileId, filename: String): Future[Int] = for {
res <- reportFileRepository.delete(fileId)
_ <- s3Service.delete(filename)
} yield res
def legacyDownloadReportAttachment(reportFileId: ReportFileId, filename: String): Future[String] = {"Downloading file with id $reportFileId")
for {
file <- getReportAttachmentOrRescan(reportFileId, filename)
} yield s3Service.getSignedUrl(file.storageFilename)

def downloadReportAttachment(reportFileId: ReportFileId, filename: String): Future[String] = {
def downloadFileNotYetUsedInReport(reportFileId: ReportFileId, filename: String): Future[String] = {"Downloading file with id $reportFileId")
getReportAttachmentOrRescan(reportFileId, filename).flatMap {
case Right(reportFile) => Future.successful(s3Service.getSignedUrl(reportFile.storageFilename))
case Left(error) => Future.failed(error)
for {
file <- getReportAttachmentOrRescan(reportFileId, filename)
_ <- Future.fromTry(checkIsNotYetUsedInReport(file))
} yield s3Service.getSignedUrl(file.storageFilename)

private def getReportAttachmentOrRescan(reportFileId: ReportFileId, filename: String) =
.flatMap {
case Some(reportFile) =>
validateAntivirusScanAndRescheduleScanIfNecessary(reportFile).map {
case (Scanned, file) => Right(file)
case (NotScanned, file) => Left(AttachmentNotReady( AppError)
case _ => Future.successful(Left(AttachmentNotFound(reportFileId, filename)))
def downloadFileUsedInReport(reportFileId: ReportFileId, filename: String, user: User): Future[String] = {"Downloading file with id $reportFileId")
for {
file <- getReportAttachmentOrRescan(reportFileId, filename)
reportId <- Future.fromTry(checkIsUsedInReport(file))
_ <- visibleReportOrchestrator.checkReportIsVisible(reportId, user)
} yield s3Service.getSignedUrl(file.storageFilename)

private def getReportAttachmentOrRescan(reportFileId: ReportFileId, filename: String): Future[ReportFile] =
for {
maybeFile <- reportFileRepository
fileFound <- maybeFile.liftTo[Future](AttachmentNotFound(reportFileId, filename))
antivirusResult <- validateAntivirusScanAndRescheduleScanIfNecessary(fileFound)
fileScanned = antivirusResult match {
case (Scanned, file) => file
case (NotScanned, file) => throw AttachmentNotReady(
} yield fileScanned

private def validateAntivirusScanAndRescheduleScanIfNecessary(
reportFile: ReportFile
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -205,6 +230,33 @@ class ReportFileOrchestrator(
res <- reportZipExportService.reportAttachmentsZip(report.creationDate, filteredFilesByOrigin)
} yield res

private def getFileByIdAndName(fileId: ReportFileId, filename: String) =
for {
maybeFile <- reportFileRepository.get(fileId)
file <- maybeFile.filter(_.filename == filename).liftTo[Future](AttachmentNotFound(fileId, filename))
} yield file

private def remove(fileId: ReportFileId, filename: String): Future[Int] = for {
res <- reportFileRepository.delete(fileId)
_ <- s3Service.delete(filename)
} yield res

private def checkIsNotYetUsedInReport(file: ReportFile): Try[Unit] =
file.reportId match {
case None => Success(())
case Some(_) =>
logger.warn(s"Cannot act on file ${} this way, because it IS linked to a report")

private def checkIsUsedInReport(file: ReportFile): Try[UUID] =
file.reportId match {
case Some(reportId) => Success(reportId)
case None =>
logger.warn(s"Cannot act on file ${} this way, because it is NOT linked to a report")


object ReportFileOrchestrator {
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion app/services/ExcelColumnsService.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ object ExcelColumnsService {
.filter(file => file.origin == ReportFileOrigin.Consumer && shouldBeVisibleToUser(userRole, report))
.map(file =>
.downloadReportFile(, file.filename)
.downloadFileUsedInReport(, file.filename)
Expand Down
18 changes: 13 additions & 5 deletions conf/routes
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,10 +29,14 @@ POST /api/email-validation/check-and-validate controller
POST /api/rating controllers.RatingController.rateBlockingInfoInSubcategoryUsefulness()
# egalement utilisé dans le dashboard
GET /api/constants/countries controllers.ConstantController.getCountries()
# for direct download of a single attachment
# egalement utilisé dans le dashboard
GET /api/reports/files/:uuid/:filename controllers.ReportFileController.downloadReportFile(uuid: ReportFileId, filename)

# for direct viewing of a single attachment
# also used in the dashboard for the pro when he's viewing the attachment of his response that is not yet submitted
GET /api/reports/files/temporary/:fileId/:filename controllers.ReportFileController.downloadFileNotYetUsedInReport(fileId: ReportFileId, filename)
# for deleting an attachment that was uploaded but the report isn't submitted yet
# also used in the dashboard for the pro when his response isn't submitted yet
DELETE /api/reports/files/temporary/:fileId/:filename controllers.ReportFileController.deleteFileNotYetUsedInReport(fileId: ReportFileId, filename)
# this next one is LEGACY, to be removed very soon, once the frontend is updated (was used both in website and dashboard)
GET /api/reports/files/:uuid/:filename controllers.ReportFileController.legacyDownloadReportFile(uuid: ReportFileId, filename)

########## REPORTS SEARCH/LIST PAGE #######
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -74,10 +78,14 @@ POST /api/reports/:uuid/assign/:userId controller

# for viewing a single attachment (and the thumbnails)
GET /api/reports/files/used/:fileId/:filename controllers.ReportFileController.downloadFileUsedInReport(fileId: ReportFileId, filename)
# button "download all attachments"
GET /api/reports/:uuid/files controllers.ReportFileController.downloadAllFilesAsZip(uuid: java.util.UUID, origin: Option[ReportFileOrigin])
# for deletion of a single attachment
DELETE /api/reports/files/:uuid/:filename controllers.ReportFileController.deleteReportFile(uuid: ReportFileId, filename)
DELETE /api/reports/files/used/:fileId/:filename controllers.ReportFileController.deleteFileUsedInReport(fileId: ReportFileId, filename)
# This next one is LEGACY, to be deleted very shortly once we do the change in the frontend
DELETE /api/reports/files/:uuid/:filename controllers.ReportFileController.legacyDeleteReportFile(uuid: ReportFileId, filename)
# for adding a single attachment (for both pro and admin)
POST /api/reports/files controllers.ReportFileController.uploadReportFile(reportFileId: Option[java.util.UUID])
# something related to the antivirus scan of the files (but I couldn't find how to trigger it)
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