Send message to telegram channels or groups by telegram bots.
The following platforms are supported:
- .NET 4.0 and up.
- Windows Desktop XP or later
The easiest way to get started is execute TeleBotMessenger.exe
file by follow these steps:
Download the latest release from here;
Unpack the downloaded
file; -
Run the TeleBotMessenger.exe from this path:
; -
Get the Bot API token from BotFather. The token is a string along the lines of
that is required to authorize the bot and send requests to the Bot API; -
Paste token in the Bot Token input and click on Connect button and wait to change
state tostop
; -
Add your bot as administrator user to channel or group which you want to send message (This is not available in Telegram Desktop version);
Enter channel or group name like
at the input and then you can test it's true channel or not by Test button; -
Now you can use the application and enjoy it;