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Releases: bhoriuchi/vue-deepset


28 Jan 05:19
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  • Reverted back to old toPath and vueSet code that worked better than recent revisions as fix for issue #12


21 Jan 19:00
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  • Fixes issue #11 - there was an issue with the has helper method where it was referencing the original passed object so it would never look past the first level for properties.


17 Jan 17:24
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  • Enforcing struct lodash path strings
  • added $vuexSet back to the plugin install (accidentally removed)
  • Updated readme with documentation on array paths and keys with dots


17 Jan 00:03
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  • Re-worked Proxies to not rely on rebuilding the reference object, this speeds up performance and reduces code
  • Changed from rollup build to babel build
  • Removed dynamicUpdates options


10 Jan 22:13
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  • Added dynamicUpdates option to turn off dynamic model property updates. This has performance improvements when using deeply nested vuex models with many concurrent mutations


03 Jan 18:40
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  • Added support for alternate array and key notations (i.e. a.1.b, a["1"].b, a[1].b, etc.) fixes issue #8


11 Oct 17:26
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  • Fix for issue #7
    • Added a null check to vueSet method when setting an object property


18 Aug 16:50
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  • Bugfix for #4 . Issue was caused by Vue DevTools attempting to look up symbols on the source object which were handled as strings by get/has helper methods causing issue. symbols are now directly looked up on the source object
  • added a getter for toJSON which looks directly at the object


16 Aug 19:06
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Several bug fixes

  • Fixed issue where vuex mutations would attempt to add _isVue and __ob__ properties which in turn was causing 2+ extra mutations per data change. Fixes #2
  • Fixed issue where Vue 1.x mutations would mutate all fields that had been touched in the object regardless if their values had changed. This was done in the proxy set helper by adding a check if the proposed value equals immediately return true
  • Modified the proxy to specifically use the composed object for all operations
  • Updated test pages for vue 1x and 2x to include deep array test cases
  • Updated builds to include a minified browser build
  • Removed litedash methods in favor of build-in methods and updated get/has utils to follow the lodash spec more closely
  • Re-organized src into main functions, litedash functions, and helper utils


15 Aug 19:20
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  • Modified Proxy models dynamically build composed pseudo-proxy models. This resolves an issue in [email protected] and higher where v-model bindings were not working correctly
  • Updated liteutils methods to work with arrays
  • Added options argument to deepModel that allows useProxy=false where proxy will not be used even if it is available