Headless CMS powered by SvelteKit.
Currently in Alpha - Not recommended for production use
- Easy configuration
- TypeScript
- Built-in authentication (better-auth)
- SQLite database (drizzle)
- Auto-generated:
- API endpoints
- TypeScript types
- Database schema
- Admin panel
- Media management
- Document and fields access control
- i18n support
- Fields custom validation
- CRUD hooks on documents
- Configuration Hot reload in dev mode
- Optional SMTP integration
Fields types:
- Blocks
- Rich Text (TipTap)
- Relations
- Links
- Slugs
- Select/Radio/Checkbox
- And more...
npx sv create my-app
cd my-app
Make sure to select TypeScript when prompted
npm install rizom sharp better-sqlite3
npm install -D drizzle-kit
npx rizom-init
The rizom-init
command will automatically:
- Create/populate
file - Create
config file - Create a
folder - Add a
- Create
with the required initialization code - Add the Rizom plugin to
- Push initial schema
Please check that these files have been properly configured:
// vite.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import { sveltekit } from '@sveltejs/kit/vite';
import { rizom } from 'rizom/vite';
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [rizom(), sveltekit()]
// src/hooks.server.ts (should be created)
import { sequence } from '@sveltejs/kit/hooks';
import { handlers } from 'rizom';
import config from './config/rizom.config.js';
import * as schema from './lib/server/schema.js';
export const handle = sequence(...handlers({ config, schema }));
npm run dev
Navigate to http://localhost:5173/panel
to create your first admin user.
// ./src/config/rizom.config.ts
import type { collection, area } from 'rizom';
import type { Config } from 'rizom';
import { Settings2 } from 'lucide-svelte';
import { relation, link, richText, text, toggle } from 'rizom/fields';
import { access } from "rizom/util";
const Pages = collection('pages', {
group: 'content',
fields: [
access: {
read: () => true,
create: (user) => access.isAdmin(user),
update: (user) => access.hasRoles(user, 'admin', 'editor')
const Settings = area('settings', {
icon: Settings2,
group: 'settings',
fields: [
toggle('maintenance').label('Sticky header'),
access: {
read: () => true
const Medias = collection('medias', {
label: {
singular: 'Media',
plural: 'Medias',
upload: true,
group: 'content',
fields: [
const config: Config = {
database: 'my-db.sqlite'
collections: [Pages, Medias],
areas: [Settings],
panel: {
access: (user) => access.hasRoles(user, 'admin', 'editor'),
users: {
roles: [{ value: 'admin', label: 'Administrator' }, { value: 'editor' }],
fields: [
group: 'settings'
export default config;
Icons must be imported from lucide-svelte
(other icon packages are not tested)
Detailed configuration documentation is in development. Feel free to open issues for questions!
export const load = async (event: LayoutServerLoadEvent) => {
const { api, rizom } = event.locals;
// Get an Area document
const menu = await api.area('menu').find();
// Get all pages documents
const pages = await api.collection('pages').findAll({ locale: 'en' });
// Get a page byId
const home = await api.collection('pages').findById({ locale: 'en', id: 'some-id' });
// Get a user with a query
const [user] = await api.collection('users').find({
query: `where[email][equals][email protected]` // qs query or ParsedQsQuery
// Get some config values
const languages = rizom.config.getLocalesCodes();
const collections = rizom.config.collections;
const { docs } = await fetch('http://localhost:5173/api/pages').then(r => r.json())
const { docs } = await fetch('http://localhost:5173/api/pages?sort=title&limit=1').then(r => r.json())
const { docs } = await fetch('http://localhost:5173/api/pages?where[author][like]=some-id&locale=en`;').then(r => r.json())
- [v] switch from lucia to better-auth
- [v] Document locked while being edited by another user
- [v] Panel i18n
- [v] Document status
- Documentation
- Document version
- Working Live Edit system (in developpment)
- Tree field
- Built with components from @huntabyte's bits-ui
- Inspired by Kirby CMS and Payload CMS architectures