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This script acts as glue between a local file storage mount point and RIAK. It is targeted at specific use cases when local mount-points need to be migrated to RIAK without changing the applications accessing those mount point. Think of it as a transparent RIAK filesystem layer with multiple options to control it’s behavior regarding local files.


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This script acts as glue between a local file storage mount point and RIAK. It is targeted at specific use cases when local mount-points need to be migrated to RIAK without changing the applications accessing those mount point. Think of it as a transparent RIAK filesystem layer with multiple options to control it’s behavior regarding local files.


The tool is started from command line or supervisord (see [supervisord] manual for further information how to set-up as daemon). It takes 2 parameters: -h

For a help text:

usage: [-h] -s SOURCE -t TARGET [-f] [-rp RIAKPORT]
                    [-rh RIAKHOST] [-rnp RIAK_NAMESPACE_PREFIX]
                    [-rdnp RIAK_DIRECTORY_NAMESPACE_PREFIX]
                    [-rbt RIAK_DIRECTORY_SET_BUCKETTYPE]
                    [-rdk RIAK_DIRECTORY_SET_DIRECTORYKEY]
                    [-rct RIAK_CONTENT_TYPE] [-dell] [-ddir] [-rreadcontent]
                    [-rreaddir] [-rfuid RIAK_CONTENTS_FILE_UID]
                    [-rfgid RIAK_CONTENTS_FILE_GID]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SOURCE, --source SOURCE
                        the source mount point
  -t TARGET, --target TARGET
                        the target mount point
  -f, --foreground      don't go into background on start-up
  -rp RIAKPORT, --riakport RIAKPORT
                        the port RIAK PBC is listening on
  -rh RIAKHOST, --riakhost RIAKHOST
                        the host or IP adress RIAK PBC is listening on
                        the prefix given to each RIAK binary content bucket
                        the prefix given to each RIAK directory content bucket
                        the RIAK bucket type name used for directory content
                        the reserved key name of the directory listing set
  -rct RIAK_CONTENT_TYPE, --riak_content_type RIAK_CONTENT_TYPE
                        the mime type used for the RIAK binary content
  -dell, --delete_local
                        when present the local copy of a file shall be removed
                        when it was successfully transferred to RIAK
  -ddir, --disable_maintain_directory
                        when present the directory structure will NOT be
                        maintained in RIAK
  -rreadcontent, --use_riak_read_content
                        should the contents of RIAK be used to fulfill read
                        accesses to files
  -rreaddir, --use_riak_read_directory
                        should also the maintained RIAK datastructure be used
                        for directory read access
  -rfuid RIAK_CONTENTS_FILE_UID, --riak_contents_file_uid RIAK_CONTENTS_FILE_UID
                        the UID used for files when RIAK is used for read
                        directory access
  -rfgid RIAK_CONTENTS_FILE_GID, --riak_contents_file_gid RIAK_CONTENTS_FILE_GID
                        the GID used for files when RIAK is used for read
                        directory access

Where source-mountpoint is the mountpoint from where you migrate - essentially the local disk or mounted share that holds the current data-set. The tool is acting only upon a certain path-scheme that is being in the following form: /$foldername/images/*

Every file matching the * is going to be handled by the script. Directories below that structure are not supported. Everything else is going to be ignored. This behavior is hard-coded and can be changed in the files legacyPath* methods.

The target-mountpoint is the mount point where the tool will interact with the applications. It’s probably to replace the previously mounted source-mountpoint.

Known issues / Unsupported behaviour

  • hardlinks and symlinks are not supported and won't be supported
  • renaming across buckets is not supported
  • chown/chmod/setattr is not supported when RIAK is used for reading of files and directories
  • subfolders are not supported beyond the matched path
  • the directory set name must be named so that it does not collide with filenames/directory names inside that directory matching the pattern for this tool

RIAK data structure details

bucket and key naming

There are two buckets per merchant:

  • Binary Content Bucket
    • here the file data / binary contents get stored
    • bucket name: $riak_namespace_prefix$foldername
      • so for a folder like: /test/images/file.jpg with default prefix it’ll have the bucket name IMG_test
    • the keys stored in this bucket are going to be named after the file part of the path
      • so for the bespoke example it’ll be file.jpg
    • for debugging:
      • to quickly get the contents of a bucket
        • curl "http://localhost:8098/buckets/IMG_test/keys?keys=true" | python -m json.tool
      • to get the contents of a file
        • curl "http://localhost:8098/buckets/IMG_test/keys/file.jpg"
  • Directory Bucket
    • here the directory listing and file size information get stored
    • bucket name: $riak_directory_namespace_prefix$foldername
      • so for a folder like: /test/images/file.jpg with default prefix it’ll have the bucket name IMGDIR_test
    • the keys (sets) stored in this bucket holding the size information are named like the file part of the path. As a set they are only holding one piece of information (the size) for now.
      • so for bespoke example it’ll be file.jpg which contains a set of 1 piece of information which is the file size
    • in addition there’s a directory set holding a full directory listing of this directory. Each entry in the set is one file.
      • so for default values this key is named directory
    • for debugging:
      • to get the contents of a directory

        • curl http://localhost:8098/types/sets/buckets/IMGDIR_test/datatypes/directory | python -m json.tool
      • to get all buckets contents of a directory set bucket

        • curl http://localhost:8098/types/sets/buckets/IMGDIR_test/keys?keys=true | python -m json.tool
      • to get all available directory buckets

        • curl http://localhost:8098/types/sets/buckets?buckets=true | python -m json.tool

        Local Build Instructions

        Pre-requisites and dependencies

        • riak KV 2.1 or later
          • apt-get install pkg-config libtool autoconf build-essentials gcc automake make libffi-dev libssl-dev openssl curl apt-transport-https libc6-dev-i386 libncurses5-dev fop xsltproc unixodbc-dev libpam0g-dev
          • curl -O
          • chmod a+x kerl
          • this installs Erlang
            • ./kerl build git git:// OTP_R16B02_basho8 R16B02-basho8
          • this installs RIAK
            • ./kerl install R16B02-basho8 ~/erlang/R16B02-basho8
          • this activates RIAK
            • .~/erlang/R16B02-basho8/activate
          • after RIAK is set-up and started
            • start using riak-admin start
            • add the required SETS bucket-type by running these commands:
              • riak-admin bucket-type create sets '{"props":{"datatype":"set"}}'
              • riak-admin bucket-type activate sets
        • fuse 2.9.3 or later
          • example set-up:
            • install build essentials:
              • apt-get install pkg-config libtool autoconf build-essentials gcc automake make libffi-dev libssl-dev openssl curl apt-transport-https libc6-dev-i386
            • get current source from wget
            • tar xvf fuse-2.9.7.tar.gz
            • cd fuse-2.9.7
            • ./configure
            • make -j8
            • make install
        • python 2.7 or later
          • apt-get install python python-pip
        • libraries installed:
          • fusepy 2.0.4 or later (pip install fusepy)
          • RIAK KV 2.5.3 or later (pip install riak)


        Several aspects of this tool can and need to be configured (as in: changed in, as there is:

        • RIAK
          • Host/IP
            • default riak_host = 'localhost'
          • PBC port of RIAK
            • default: riak_port = 8087
          • Namespace Prefix for the file contents bucket
            • default: riak_namespace_prefix = 'IMG_'
          • Namespace Prefix for the directory bucket
            • default: riak_directory_namespace_prefix = 'IMGDIR_'
          • RIAK Bucket-Type to use for the directory bucket
            • default: riak_directory_set_buckettype = 'sets'
            • Note: This needed to be set-up earlier, see Pre-Requisites and Dependencies
          • RIAK directory bucket key name to store the directory listing in
            • default: riak_directory_set_directorykey = 'directory'
          • RIAK content value content type (better left unchanged for now)
            • default: riak_content_type = 'application/octet-stream'
        • Behavior Options
          • wether or not the local copy of a file shall be removed when it was successfully transferred to RIAK
            • default: remove_local_copy_after_successful_mapping = False
          • wether or not the directory structure will be maintained in RIAK
            • default: maintain_riak_directory_structure = True
          • should also the maintained RIAK directory data structure be used for directory read access (like listing files)
            • CHOWN/CHMOD and other attribute commands are ignored when enabled
            • local directory contents are ignored
            • default: use_riak_directory_structure_for_read_access = False
          • should the contents of RIAK be used to fulfill read accesses to files
            • default: use_riak_file_contents_for_read_access = False
          • File Permission Mask to be used when listing files from RIAK directory data structure
            • default: riak_contents_file_mask = 0o777
          • File GID and UID reported when listing directories / file status flags and information
            • default:
              • riak_contents_file_uid = 0
              • riak_contents_file_gid = 0
        • Logging Options
          • which log-level should be outputted as log
            • choose from: CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG
            • default: logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR)

Docker How-To

You can use docker to spawn a RIAK + riak-Fuse demo machine right away.

In order to do that run this to build the environment:

'docker-compose build riak-fuse'

To run:

'docker-compose run riak-fuse'

You now should be able to map the 22 port of the riak-fuse machine to whatever local port you feel good about and connect through SSH as user root with password root.

The riak-fuse script resides in /src/riak-fuse and you should call it from there.

For a brief demo - log in and go ahead and make a test:

check if riak is there: 'ping riak-kv'

now short demo:

'cd ~' 'mkdir source' 'mkdir source/test' 'mkdir source/test/images' 'mkdir target' '/src/riak-fuse/ -s ~/source/ -t ~/target/ -rh riak-kv -dell -rreaddir -rreadcontent'

you now should be able to generate files in ~/target/test/images - reading and writing.

Those get stored on riak-kv.

You can check if they are there by doing:

'echo "testcontent" >~/target/test/images/test.txt'

and get the dir-listing:

'curl "http://riak-kv:8098/buckets/IMG_test/keys?keys=true" | python -m json.tool'

and contents:

curl "http://riak-kv:8098/buckets/IMG_test/keys/test.txt"


This script acts as glue between a local file storage mount point and RIAK. It is targeted at specific use cases when local mount-points need to be migrated to RIAK without changing the applications accessing those mount point. Think of it as a transparent RIAK filesystem layer with multiple options to control it’s behavior regarding local files.







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