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BIFROST v1.2.1

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@alstjd0921 alstjd0921 released this 02 Mar 09:07

BIFROST v1.2.1

This release contains a minor bug fix of the Frontier implementation. The previous implementation has forced to ignore the Frontier database migration to V2 happen. This has issued some misbehavior when requesting Ethereum RPC requests on historical data.

Related Frontier update.

On this release, the migration will be executed on restart. Please follow the instructions below for clients facing the problem. (Not mandatory but recommended)

  1. Stop the running bifrost-node client.
  2. Backup & remove {base-path}/chains/{mainnet|testnet|dev}/frontier/db/db_version file.
  3. Replace the previous bifrost-node to v1.2.1.
  4. Restart the bifrost-node client with the replaced version.


Component version
node implementation v1.2.1
substrate/frontier implementation bifrost-polkadot-v0.9.35


Assets sha256checksum
bifrost-node ad7942ba7307cf4326e726ec5152da79eb9e6eafcf040e4904db59da31a1a8f5
bifrost-node-aarch64-macos 9934d2c7bf48cbe2656d50ecf861d2c2ffdccf7f86b47a4c7a26f35f1c1a5faf
bifrost-testnet.json 969b6faada789911b135e9548240efc0ecdb6a8f326c9ac74670fd7cd6e49299
bifrost-mainnet.json 71d9fce8141553871b240d49e3dcbefe731111ac5bd925d7ad30b5ca1011e725