For developers and website owners, Naya Lite is a responsive framework which can perfectly serve as a parent theme if they want to create their own child themes. For bloggers, Naya is a minimal blogging theme that takes their web presence back to the early days of blogging. While Naya Lite’s design justifies the idea of a good old fashioned blog, its features emphasize on being more modern and state-of-the-art. Being both responsive and retina-ready while still maintaining the look of a classic blog, Naya Lite perfectly manages to combine the past and future of blog design.
Responsive design, Theme Options, Custom Logo/Fav Icons/Apple Touch Icons, Custom Menu, Sticky Post, W3C validated, supports social media, supports webmaster tools, post formats
Tags: white, black, green, one-column, two-columns, responsive-layout, custom-menu, featured-image-header, featured-images, post-formats, sticky-post, theme-options, threaded-comments, right-sidebar, custom-background, custom-header
- Primary:
- Login to your wp-admin account and go to Appearance -> Themes.
- Select "Install" tab and click on the "Upload" link.
- Select "theme .zip" and click on "Install Now" button.
- In case of errors, use an alternate method.
- Alternate:
- Unzip the template file ( that you have downloaded.
- Upload the entire folder (naya-lite) to your server via FTP and place it in the /wp-content/themes/ folder.
- Do not change the directory name.
- The template files should be there now: /wp-content/themes/naya-lite/index.php (example).
Log into your WP admin panel and click on "Appearance". Go to "Themes" tab.
Now click on naya-lite" to activate the theme.
Complete all of the required inputs in the sampression page (in the WP admin panel) and click "Save".
Change Logo and Favicon:
- Login to your wp-admin area and go to Appearance -> Theme Options.
- Select "Logo & Icons" Tab.
- Upload the logo, favicon and different sizes of apple touch icons that you require.
- Select for either Logo or website title to show.
- Change font-family, font-size, font-style and color for website title and description.
- Styling
- Login to your wp-admin area and go to Appearance -> Theme Options.
- Select "Styling" Tab
- Here you can select whether to show the right sidebar or not on the site.
- You can also change the sidebar settings for the specific post/page that is available below the editor of the post.
- Typography
- Login to your wp-admin area and go to Appearance -> Theme Options.
- Select "Typography" Tab
- Here you can change the font-family and font-size of general text or that of post and page.
- To change font-size and font-family for general body text select General menu on the top beside typography title.
- Similarly for the page and post select Post/Pages menu.
- Social Media:
- Login to your wp-admin area and go to Appearance -> Theme Options.
- Select "Social Media" tab
- Here you can add your Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Linkedin id which appears at the top right of the site.
- Custom CSS
- Login to your wp-admin area and go to Appearance -> Theme Options.
- Select "Custom CSS" Tab
- Here you can add your own custom css to overwrite the default css of the theme.
- Blog
- Login to your wp-admin area and go to Appearance -> Theme Options.
- Select "Blog" Tab
- Here you select the meta values to show on the blog page and also hide the posts from any specific category from the blog page.
- You can also write your own text as "read more" text that links to the single post.
- Copyright & License
- Naya Lite, Copyright 2014
- Naya Lite is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL.
- home_url() escaped with esc_url()
- data sanitazation, validation and escape fuctions used
- PHP fixes for sidebar
- CSS fixes for table font size
- get_stylesheet_uri() used instead of bloginfo() function for main stylesheet url.
- google font path fixed
- added prefix on userdefined functions
- Escape functions added
- home_url function added to output home page url
- fonts with gpl license used
- hooks sections removed that provided theme options for arbitrary header/footer scripts.
- Removed: description and author removed from header.php
- Removed: Dashboard widgets removed
- Fixed: wp_title filter used for title tag
- Fixed: Google fonts enqueued without the protocol (http:).
- Fixed: Favicon icons disable by default
- Fixed: admin_print_scripts and admin_print_styles changed to admin_enqueue_scripts
- Fixed: scripts and styles files enqueued directly without registering
- Fixed: output of data by using escape function
- Fixed: used ‘theme_location’ parameter instead of ‘menu’ in wp_nav_menu
- Fixed: register_nav_menu(), add_theme_support, add_image_size, add_nav_menu, register_nav_menus and load_theme_textdomain hooked into after_setup_theme action.
- Added: License information added on readme.txt file of bundled js files and icons.
Fixed: Non-printable characters were replaced by web save special characters.
Fixed: Enqueued comment-reply script.
Fixed: wp_head() template tag placed immediately before the closing HTML head tag.
Fixed: wp_footer() template tag placed immediately before the closing HTML body tag.
Fixed: manage_options replaced by be edit_theme_options on setting page.
Fixed: Read more text field validated.
Fixed: sampression_right_sidebar() replaced by get_sidebar() function.
Added: Function for custom header preview on admin panel.
Naya Lite supports child themes. Please use child themes for customization of "Naya Lite". For further reading: