Several examples of things that you can do programmatically with Python requesting's data and exploit them in Power BI.
Examples are sorted in folders. Go in it to explore all magnificent things we have done!
All folders have their owns .pbix
and .py
allowing you to see the code side and the corresponding Power BI side.
files here depend on our data connector BIMDataConnector
Once you have installed all the pre-requisites tools, clone the repository.
Then in the folder, type the following command-line (in PowerShell):
$> python
Create 4 parameters:
- cloudId
- projectId
- ifcId
- apiUrl
ifcId can be a single value or many values split by a comma (eg: 1842,5871,12,456)
Data is retrieved by IfcType.
To get data from BIMData, create an empty Query then add:
= Table.FromColumns({{cloudId}, {projectId}, {ifcId}, {BIMData.GetToken()}, {apiUrl}, {"IfcWallStandardCase"}}, {"cloud_id", "project_id", "ifc_id", "access_token", "api_url", "ifc_type"})
replace Your_IFC_Type by the type you want (eg: IfcWall, IfcDoor or IfcWallStandardCase)
In the "transform" tab, click on "add a python script" and copy-paste the content of
Go to "Source parameters", set both "BIMData" and "python" confidentiality level to "Public" then try again
Go to "file => options & parameters => options => Active file => region parameters => force to English (United-States)"
You need to refresh your access to To do so, click on "source" in the "applied steps" and a message inviting you to refresh your connection will appear. Click on 'Login with another account' (Even if you don't change the account), then "login".